Saturday, January 9, 2010

Building Blueprints And Plans Security Risk


Lilith gave birth to a daughter of Adam which he called Lamia. This Lamia is supposed to descend the rest of the Lamia. Originally a mortal female cult dedicated to extolling the Lilith "Dark Mother." Its leaders adopted the name of Lamia.

One night Lazarus, of Cappadocia, and not the Lasombra, visited the temple of Lamia and fell in love with the current Lamia. Unable to resist the embraced and began to instruct her in the affairs of the Kindred. Lamia apparently told something to her Sire made this the leave and avoid it until today. Lamia
was received by Cappadocia and educated by the very Japeth. Was always at hand, and founded his own bloodline worshiper of death in the form of the Dark Mother. The

Lamias remained by the side of Cappadocia. Also had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, but more focused on practice than theory as Cappadocia. Served as bodyguards to Cappadocia to destruction. Lamia was finally dead by Augustus John and the last Lamia died in 1747 as a victim of a hunt for blood. Always suspected of Giovanni and always had a great hostility between the two blood lines.

The Lamia are carriers of "the seed of Lilith." Any person who is fed has to overcome a resistance roll (Diff 6 for women, 8 men) If you do not pass are infected with a disease like the black plague is fatal within days. The vampires who drink blood of Lamia not die, but become carriers of the disease.

Disciplines: Power, Mortis, Deimos.


* Whispers to the soul: The Lamia can whisper one of the secret names of Lilith in the ear of his victim, who from that moment is haunted by nightmares and frightening thoughts about their fate during waking hours.

System: The Lamia must whisper the name (it can only affect one enemy at a time). The victim must spend a Willpower roll (Diff 8) or suffer horrible visions and dreams one day and one night for each point of Perceptions Lamia.Mientras the effect lasts, the victim will subtract 1 to all dice pools.

** Kiss of the Dark Mother: Through his studies of death, Lamia is able to invoke an entropic force that sucks the life. You may pass through a bite, killing their enemies with remarkable alacrity.

System: The Point Lamiaexpectora Blood, which covers his lips, making their bite even more lethal attack. The victim suffers twice the normal damage (and is aggravated). ***

Ichor: The Lamias often use bodies as objects of study and worship, which has allowed them to gain knowledge of the anatomy Cainita.Una Deimos Lamiacon this level is able to transform one of four body fluids in a repulsive susstancia.

System: By spending two Blood Points, the Lamia may secrete a corrupted version of one of the four bodily humors: phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric or sanguíneo.Este Ichor is mixed in the drink of the victim, or used as Liaison Officer (just contact with skin: no need to reach the bloodstream Ichor). The victim must make a Resistance roll Dif 8 to avoid the effects. You can only segregate one type of ichor by scene, and the Points do not provide blood spent more than a dose.

Ichor types are:
Phlegmatic: induces sleepiness, subtract 2 to Dice Pools of the victim for the rest of the scene.
Melancholy: induces visions of death, the victim is unable to use your willpower for the rest of the scene.
Blood: causes excessive bleeding, any wound cut, slash or puncture begins to fester, causing the victim to lose an additional Health Level next turn.
Bilious: lethal toxin, the victim suffers from many levels of damage (standard) is the vampire as points of resistance. It is possible to absorb the damage.
Rend the mantle: By prohibited study of cadavers, Lamia reaches the understanding of their own state muerto.Bebiendo not the blood of a cold corpse, can transform their own moods and associated purchasing power with death.

System: The Lamia should drink at least five blood points a corpse already cold, spent during the act of invoking this poder.El player may add two dice to all rolls to absorb damage and completely ignore penalties for wounds for the rest of the scene. The Lamia can peer into the land of shadows passing a roll of Perception + Occult (a variable Dif: 6 in a haunted place, usually 8, 10 if it is a sanctified area). Finally, the vampire acquires the ability to perceive the relative health of the beings that observed (if they are wounded sick and how much gravity, if they suffer ailments mystical ,...).

***** Black Breath: The Lamia can blow Lethe stench of the grave of his victims, who are overwhelmed by despair and depression.

System: The player must spend two points of VF and have a Stamina + Archery (Dif 7). You can avoid the tag aliento.Los deaths (including lupins and wizards) pro caught the Black Breath are instantly overwhelmed by the powerful momentum of death unless they get more hits on a roll of FV (Dif 8) that the Lamia in the attack roll, commit suicide immediately, as expeditiously as possible . Even with success in the shot, the victim's death fantasizes subtracting 2 from all dice pools for the rest of the scene.

The Black Breath differently affects the vampiros.El Cain caught by the breath of Lamia does the circulation of PV, but if it fails, plunges into a deep sleep for a period depends on the score of Way (see page 243 of the base). is likely to be a vampire Dam morbid feelings, so they also applied the penalty to Dice Pools.

***** * The Invocation of Lilith: The blood of Lamia in the world can smell the blood on his white muertos.Escupiendo, the character puts a "mark" on it, making the spectra (malevolent wraiths) are primed with víctima.Tamién is possible to use more ritualistic blood to summon Wraiths, although the power does not provide control over the Spectrum called.

System: The character spends three blood points spitting on the victim (Dexterity + Dif Archery to 7). The blood can be washed, but the mystical spot remains for the rest of the scene, along which the Espectros.Puedes will find their characteristics in Wraith: Oblivion and Dark Reflection: Espectros.Si not Vampire: Dark Ages.


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