On the day that has been known that there are 130,930 new people standing in the English state, and have surpassing the 4.2 million registered unemployed people, the Government, employers and trade unions UGT-CCOO have been staged, with great media hype, the signing of a social and economic development for growth, employment and ensuring the pensions.
For the General Labour Confederation (CGT ) the most important aspect of what was signed in La Moncloa is reform public pension system . The agreement worsens considerably the existing rights of the working class that were in force. From now on working people have to work longer until retirement and pension charge less. Have agreed:
- DELAY THE LEGAL AGE OF RETIREMENT . Working life is lengthened to 67 years (before 65)
- HARD ACCESS TO FULL BOARD . You have to contribute 37 years to receive a 100% (previously 35)
- You can only retire at 65 with 100% who have contributed 38.5 years (previously 35)
- DELAY EARLY RETIREMENT. It extends the age of voluntary early retirement to 63 years (previously 61) and increases the penalty.
- CUT THE MIDDLE INCOME PENSION . Increased from 15 to 25 years (gradually) the period of computation for calculating the pension.
- HARD partial retirement to almost stop it.
For CGT measures under the reform of the pension system are exclusively aimed at reducing spending and not to guarantee the social protection system . We understand that the viability of the pension system must also consider the revenue expenditure. In this pact only took into account how to spend less on pensions.
From CGT propose some measures to generate revenue for Social Security:
Creating quality jobs, so that there is a greater number of contributions.
Reducing the workday to 35 hours to generate more jobs.
Increase wages, thus contribute more to Social Security.
Increasing the employment of women, currently the English state has the highest rate of female unemployment in the EU.
Lowering the retirement age to 60 years to generate more jobs
combat tax evasion and the underground economy, to spend those revenues on pensions.
Increase taxes richer.
Add that is always the way of the general state budget to ensure the right to decent public pension. Take measures to promote the general welfare and pensioners and is ultimately a matter of political will.
Another point of agreement are called active employment policies. Its actual effectiveness is reduced only to an employment plan for children under 30 years, with a duration of 12 months, and only for part-time contracts. In addition, each employer who hires a young man will have a 100% of employer contributions.
With more than 40% of youth unemployment and school dropout rates of more than 30% this so-called youth employment plan is a joke . As a mockery to say that is an employment agreement when it is the only measure this in a country with more than 4.7 million people unemployed.
Another call active employment measures, is the grant of 400 € to the unemployed who have run the right to strike. For CGT this measure is not sufficient to combine a decent life.
The agreed document also includes several sections relating to collective bargaining, industrial policy, energy policy and innovation issues public. All these paragraphs do not contain any relevant agreement, most of them are only statements of intent and commitment to establish new future negotiating sessions. Seem rather to have been introduced to fill the paper and whose purpose is to enable the signatories to do the same propaganda the agreement. CGT
states that the social and economic pact signed by the Socialist Government, business organizations and CEPYME CEOE-UGT-CCOO seriously undermines working people, contributing to its internal divisions and not enough defending public pension system's harassment of banking and selfishness speculation. The CGT union
going to keep fighting against this new attack on the working class.
On the day that has been known that there are 130,930 new people standing in the English state, and have surpassing the 4.2 million registered unemployed people, the Government, employers and trade unions UGT-CCOO have been staged, with great media hype, the signing of a social and economic development for growth, employment and ensuring the pensions.
For the General Labour Confederation (CGT ) the most important aspect of what was signed in La Moncloa is reform public pension system . The agreement worsens considerably the existing rights of the working class that were in force. From now on working people have to work longer until retirement and pension charge less. Have agreed:
- DELAY THE LEGAL AGE OF RETIREMENT . Working life is lengthened to 67 years (before 65)
- HARD ACCESS TO FULL BOARD . You have to contribute 37 years to receive a 100% (previously 35)
- You can only retire at 65 with 100% who have contributed 38.5 years (previously 35)
- DELAY EARLY RETIREMENT. It extends the age of voluntary early retirement to 63 years (previously 61) and increases the penalty.
- CUT THE MIDDLE INCOME PENSION . Increased from 15 to 25 years (gradually) the period of computation for calculating the pension.
- HARD partial retirement to almost stop it.
For CGT measures under the reform of the pension system are exclusively aimed at reducing spending and not to guarantee the social protection system . We understand that the viability of the pension system must also consider the revenue expenditure. In this pact only took into account how to spend less on pensions.
From CGT propose some measures to generate revenue for Social Security:
Creating quality jobs, so that there is a greater number of contributions.
Reducing the workday to 35 hours to generate more jobs.
Increase wages, thus contribute more to Social Security.
Increasing the employment of women, currently the English state has the highest rate of female unemployment in the EU.
Lowering the retirement age to 60 years to generate more jobs
combat tax evasion and the underground economy, to spend those revenues on pensions.
Increase taxes richer.
Add that is always the way of the general state budget to ensure the right to decent public pension. Take measures to promote the general welfare and pensioners and is ultimately a matter of political will.
Another point of agreement are called active employment policies. Its actual effectiveness is reduced only to an employment plan for children under 30 years, with a duration of 12 months, and only for part-time contracts. In addition, each employer who hires a young man will have a 100% of employer contributions.
With more than 40% of youth unemployment and school dropout rates of more than 30% this so-called youth employment plan is a joke . As a mockery to say that is an employment agreement when it is the only measure this in a country with more than 4.7 million people unemployed.
Another call active employment measures, is the grant of 400 € to the unemployed who have run the right to strike. For CGT this measure is not sufficient to combine a decent life.
The agreed document also includes several sections relating to collective bargaining, industrial policy, energy policy and innovation issues public. All these paragraphs do not contain any relevant agreement, most of them are only statements of intent and commitment to establish new future negotiating sessions. Seem rather to have been introduced to fill the paper and whose purpose is to enable the signatories to do the same propaganda the agreement. CGT
states that the social and economic pact signed by the Socialist Government, business organizations and CEPYME CEOE-UGT-CCOO seriously undermines working people, contributing to its internal divisions and not enough defending public pension system's harassment of banking and selfishness speculation. The CGT union
going to keep fighting against this new attack on the working class.
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