From the beginning of time man has always been willing to negotiate with the gods and spirits, even those of evil nature in order to make your stay "earthly" more bearable. Covenants and offerings to achieve wealth, power, health, welfare, sex or fame. Although in most cases, the evil entity asks the eternal soul of the person to get their requests.
Man has always feared the unpredictability of life, how little control they can have on the future and valued this over the past and the future. It is not surprising therefore that since the dawn of civilization and for the purpose of having what you want many people have agreed with any evil spirit, even at the risk of eternal life full of suffering.
People traditionally tried to make agreements of this type used to believe that God had abandoned and were no incentives in your life to continue, usually low-income people who were tired of their poverty pact with the devil decided to lead a life of wealth, people who loved someone or not for them to desire ownership and they could not tolerate the anonymity of your life and therefore also sought fame money or any other agreement that immediately reverberates in the improvement of his earthly life.
Satanic pacts While not always giving in this way, it was sometimes the Devil himself who knows the vulnerability of a person is offered to end this miserable life of wealth and promise without any limitation. The Devil used to appear thus tempting to people especially ambitious yet pure, he intended to take possession of a soul with certainty that following a normal life had not yet defined an eternal destiny.

an eternity in Hell
The future of someone who makes a pact with the Devil is not very encouraging because it knows with certainty that he must suffer eternally in hell, this suggests: "As someone knowing their final destination in the underworld as may be agreed upon by Just a few years of "happiness"?
There are two possible reasons:
1 .- A group of pacts with the intention behind a lifetime of success by the benefits of selling your soul, breaking the pact and betrayed the devil trying to get back to light. Also in books like the Grand Grimoire it comes to reaping the benefits of the fallen angels or demons always under the protection of good spirits (angels and archangels) by threatening to send demons to those entities to torment them . However, it would not be easy to fool Lucifer, after all, is Angel is the most perfect of creation and probably the one who end up adjusting the pact to their interests ..
2 .- The other possibility is that knowing the value that gives your soul the devil himself, even to be experiencing in person, think that this has saved them an honored place in Hell.
Sell Soul to the Devil
rituals to bargain with the devil and sell your soul varían mucho dependiendo de las fuentes. Desde luego esta no es la web ni yo la persona adecuada para citar partes de ese ritual ni de sus pasos, en su lugar citaré algunos de los libros que según los entendidos muestran con mayor detalle los pasos del ritual o pacto por el que se vendería el alma al Diablo:
- El Gran Grimorio está considerado como uno de los libros más autorizados en lo concerniente a los pactos diabólicos. It is difficult, as with all grimoires, dated the date of writing, the manuscript has not been found any earlier than the date of printing, which occurred in the eighteenth century ... Attributed to "officially" Rabbi Antonio, a Venetian magician who claimed to have written the piece based on texts from the King himself autographs Solomon (Son of David and prophet of the Old Testament), the Grand Grimoire is specified in detail how to call and bargain with Rofocal Lucifer. Aware of the risks that would lock the pact with the devil, the Grand Grimoire includes a series of clauses full of double meanings, tricks and loopholes that allow trick the devil when he is present to claim their share in the covenant. At the end of the day, an eternity of unspeakable torment, in exchange for a few years of material benefits, not a good business for anyone.
One of the rituals included in the Verum Grimorium (as in the Grand Grimoire) is especially dedicated to the sale of soul to the devil. And in that Grimoire, specifies that the demons "do not ever give anything for nothing," alluding to the need for ritual sacrifices and offerings, always of animals. Grimorium Verum The first part begins by listing the three major demons with which they can agree: "The first thing you should know is that there are three powers. Lucifer, Beelzebub and Astaroth. " Detail below have drawn up correctly all the elements and tools of ritual: the virgin parchment, magic wands, the sacrificial knife, a lancet, etc..
- The Magni Honorii Grimorium (or Book of Pope Honorius the Great) was considered the most "evil" among the black book, probably because, unlike other more limited grimoires magic Kabbalistic (Jewish) in this work show significant Christian influences, which according to the ecclesiastical authorities, further aggravated the blasphemous nature of the work. First published in Latin in Rome in the year 1629, is known especially from a French translation of 1670, and attributed to Pope Honorius III the Great, the successor of Innocent III, who reigned between 1216 and 1227. According to the Gospel text, Jesus said the first Pope: "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven "(Matthew 16, 18). In this event, which is largely based on the authority of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, is to justify the perceived power of the Pope to subdue demons, and to decide on matters affecting land also beyond.
- In Spain, no doubt one of the most popular forbidden books, which still circulates in some esoteric environments is the Big Book of San Cipriano . This Grimoire, which also specifies in detail the ritual invocation of demons and satanic pact steps, generated all sorts of legends. Among the Galician witches, that "if any Hayles", was rumored to there was a copy of this legendary book chained in the basement of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, however minor edits and loose fragments were treasured by some esoteric Galicia, or the rest of Spain, as a treasure trove of magic. "The Ciprianillo" is still consulted by some seers, occultists and sorcerers contemporary English.
- Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey. Rock 1975. As stated by LaVey, "the cult of Satan is not an exclusive Catholic, and all the peoples of the world has been a dark side, and rebel groups in power who have worshiped." Thus, Anton LaVey included in the compilation of "satanic ritual" ceremonies, for example, the Islamic Yezidis, a sect that worships the samhita of the Koran, and that makes bloody rituals of dark blood in your cults, or the Russians Khlysty , linked to sinister Rasputin, and fierce enemies "satanic" in the Christian Orthodox church.
- Casting Practice of Fray Luis de la Concepción, Editorial Humanitas, 1983. In this comprehensive book-manual of magic, detailing various ways to invoke the forces of nature spirits and demons, also including precautions to be taken in each case the magician.
Even some of the most devout satanists, say the risks posed by such ceremonies. The Satanic Pact, they say, is not a game for the curious, but a commitment for all eternity.
who sells his soul to the Devil is a victim of its own weakness and ambition, and not hesitated to fulfill his wish of selling his soul to the devil, no matter the consequences, knowing that at some time will have to pay your debt. So you end up losing everything and condemning his being, destroying his life and everything he loved.
The price of selling the soul is high, the buyer is relentless and patient to collect and devour their victims. The temptation is great, but the price is never cheap ...
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