Discordia, insatiable in its fury, sister and companion of murderous Ares, which at first appear small and then grows until it touches the sky with his head while walking on earth. Then Discord, streaming through the crowd, threw it in the middle of combat and was further fatal to all the eagerness of guerrerosLa IliadaEris or eRide is the personification of discord, and is generally considered the sister of Ares (god of war ) in addition to his companion. However, for Hesiod was one of the primordial forces, offspring of Nyx (night). Eris (Strife) bare to the painful Ponos (Pena) to Lethe (Oblivion) \u200b\u200band Limos (Hunger) and the tearful Algos (Pain) also to Hisminas (Disputes), the Macas (Battles), the Fonos (Matanzas) the Androctasias (Massacres), hatred (Neikea) Lies (Pseudea), the Anfilogías (Ambiguities) to Dysnomia (Disorder) and Ate (Ruin and Folly), all inseparable companions, and hanging (Oath) , which causes more problems than men of the earth every time someone speaks perjured voluntariamente.Asi Hesiod in his Theogony (226-232) with respect to the Goddess Eris Discordia: Before and after all, there was no single type Dissension, but in all the land there were two. Regarding one man could praise her when she got to know her, but the other is reprehensible, and are of an entirely diferente.Pues a further war and battle evil, being cruel: no man loves, but by force, due to the will of the deathless gods, men pay the debt of severe discord honor.Pero the other is the older sister of dark Night (Nyx) and the son of Cronus who sits on high and dwells in the ether, spread its roots in the earth, and is much kinder to men. Even the lazy does work hard, as a man grows eager to work when you consider his neighbor, a rich man who hastens to plow and plant and put its house in order, and the neighbor competes with its neighbor in haste after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar envies the beggar, and minstrel to trovadorEris is known for having thrown the block with which Paris was to choose the most beautiful goddess, which triggered the Trojan War, told in the Ilíada.Todos the gods had attended Wedding of Thetis (sea god) and Peleus (king of Thessaly Phthia), but was not invited Eris the goddess Eris, angry rebuff by the divine, he devised a peculiar revenge whose "unexpected" outcome resulted in our bloody history, she came and threw a golden apple in the middle of everyone and said that the fruit should be given to the fairest goddess. The goddesses immediately attempted to take over the apple, Hera, sister and wife of Zeus, king of the goddess, protector of marriage and in considerable force to be reckoned with Athena (Athena), daughter of Zeus, mighty warrior of great wisdom and skill in fine arts, and, finally, Aphrodite, the goddess of passion, born of the red foam of the sea, was considered Zeus.La daughter of dispute among the goddesses was not expected, and as there was no solution to the problem because the gods did not want to take sides, Zeus sent the goddesses to Mount Ida, Hermes on Earth who would be responsible for carrying Paris, Trojan prince, chosen to give veridicto on this important issue. The first young man was afraid, then each goddess offered what was in their hands so that it eleigiera Athena offered him wisdom and victory in war, Hera's power and wealth, and Aphrodite the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris chose Aphrodite. It was because of this promise that Paris abducted Helen of Troy, because of the long war between the Achaeans and Trojans. So, it achieved its goal, Eris caused a confrontation between the goddesses that led to a ten-year conflict between mortales.Según the later version of Works and Days of Hesiod, would have to distinguish two goddesses with this name. The first, pernicious, daughter of Night (Nyx), and the second representative of the spirit of emulation Zeus Earth has been, as an inducement. Thus, it is she who gets jealous of the artisan craftsman, the painter's painter, etc., and it is she who inspires in every mortal taste for his own office, that is the vocation. This goddess is depicted mostly as a winged female genius, like the Furies.
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