Thursday, March 24, 2011

6 Month Old And Dry Cough

Why the Spanish judiciary proceedings against the rating agencies come to nothing

feel having to explain the realistic view, but behind these companies - because there are no international organization, and therefore seek only their profits - there are important people, not only in the U.S., but mainly there. People can have a direct line to the White House, and from there to contact the U.S. ambassador to Madrid, which would make the necessary pressure to the Government for this, "advised" to justice, which ruled a light sentence for rating agencies.

"Separation of Judiciary and the Executive? In Spain, no, no further than here we have the case of CIA flights, clarified on the roles of Wikileaks. Many "patriots constitucuionales" - as they call themselves - have profited from these agencies at the expense of the English, and therefore Spain, and then go around giving lessons of "patriotism" cheap.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Free Online Title Belt Creating Game

Parliament did not represent the Spanish people, but business interests

is useless, given as proven fact the killings of civilians we have not seen a single image ... How to understand the refusal to send observers to see what really happens in the country before attacking?

What if no one denies that this was going to end very badly for the rebels, but because we do not intervene in other conflicts around the world where thousands of innocents die at the hands of other satraps. Why do not intervene and is chewed in Yemen civil war? Or in Bahrain, where the army has gone to Saudi kill that Libya is said to defend?

Where was NATO yesterday when an Israeli aircraft dropped bombs on Palestinian civilians, and when the government of Syria killed eight rebels?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dora The Explore Goody Bags Ideas

Nearly 17 Spanish million in the State

José Ignacio Recio

Late mortgage payments or rent, water bills, gas, electricity, a community of neighbors ... The percentage of those who can not cope with daily expenses, has grown over the past six years, rising from 4.7% of households in 2005 to 7.7% in 2010. Among people with more difficulties in making these payments, as well as to reach the end of the month or face unforeseen include mileuristas, with salaries ranging from minimum wage to 1,100 euros, a sum below the national average wage (18,087 per year .) The difficulties

to meet expenses exceed your income meets the limit for access to any funding. Because of his meager salary is not easy for banks and credit granted to these workers, except loans of small amounts, with a short repayment term and interest elevados.No is easy to calculate how many such employees in Spain, although A study in 2009 by experts from the Ministry of Finance, included in the association Gestha, finds that some 16.7 million employees can be considered as mileuristas, to receive a gross salary less than 13,400 euros per year. Regarding the self, the report reveals that in Spain some 1.6 million entrepreneurs and professionals for almost 75% of workers employed, earn a monthly income below 1,100 euros gross. For communities, Extremadura highest proportion of mileuristas, followed by the Canary Islands, Galicia, Andalusia, Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha.

The relative poverty threshold

The Survey of Living Conditions, "National Institute of Statistics, notes that a home where a person works alone and is mileurista would be on the threshold of relative poverty. This depends on household size and age of its members, units of household consumption. In the 2010 survey, 7845.6 is obtained by multiplying the number of units of home consumption.

For a household of an adult living alone, the threshold is quantified in 7845.6 euros, almost 50% less than what is perceived by a mileurista year (around 13,400 euros). If two adults, reached EUR 11768.4, if they live two adults and a child under 14 years, is measured in euros 14122.1, in the case of two adults and two children under 14 years, EUR 16475.8 , etc.

also the National Institute of Statistics has released the "Household Budget Survey 2009." It shows that the average expenditure per household in this period was 30,411 euros, representing a decline of 4.8 points over the previous year, while spending per person amounted to 11,365 per year. In relation their distribution, most of the budget goes to housing, food and transport. According to the report data, extrapolated to a mileurista medium, with a monthly salary of 1,100 euros, 158 euros should be devoted to food, housing 323 euros and 132 euros

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Get All The Puffles Without Being A Member

not participate in this farce

After more than a year negotiating agreement without progress, CCOO, UGT have called a ridiculous stoppages, with the sole intention of washing your face image to all workers. CCOO-UGT
have made clear their miserable pretensions. Their proposal is as follows:
1. Term of agreement: 1 January 2010 to December 31, 2012.
2. Wage Rise:
2010: 0.8% rise *
• 2011: 1% increase (with wage revision clause once known CPI).
• 2012: 1% rise (to wage revision clause once known CPI).
* As the actual inflation in 2010 was set at 3% want the remaining 2.2% pay us based on ABSENTEEISM (pretend that if we fall ill, go to the doctor, or use our permits will not recover the we have lost purchasing power.)
3. Maximum duration of contract for work for 4 years. Have called a general strike against labor reform and now want capture in our convention the worst of it. Recall that it states that the maximum duration of work contracts is 3 years, allowing this period is extended to 4 collective agreement.
4. The only "improvement" would be our annual medical 35 hours we can use also "to accompany family members under 14 and dependent."
NOT trying to deceive us to rally NOT WANT TO EVEN THE IPC SUBAN NOS, but a miserable 0.8%.
We can not accept that we convene in order to "fair wages" when charge the same thing years ago, sponsored under transition agreements with CPI increases, in practice, or fail to cover the actual increases of goods and services of first necessity, which have risen well over 0.8% to intend to sign.
for the rest, nothing. Will sign an agreement that, de facto, and as usual, cheaper layoffs, giving companies greater opportunities to complete construction contracts and keep adding more profits to the detriment of our rights.
CGT For A Coruna this call is not worth it because our demands we are further and further, participating in strikes would endorse these proposals miserable and condemn us to sign another agreement on the downside.
are in favor of information related to IF TO GET A DECENT AGREEMENT, DO NOT SIGN THIS GARBAGE THAT CLAIM.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bankrupty On Helzberg Diamonds

mileuristas Manifesto for Participatory Democracy Protests

Now for the first time, we have facilities that allow us to full democracy. Civil society st century we are the better prepared than ever. However, we live in a false democracy, imperfect, asymmetrical, corruptible, subject to illegitimate interests and does not represent us. Time for a deep democratic regeneration.

People, groups, associations and parties who sign this manifesto we wish to be returned to the citizen the decisive role in the choice and control over decisions that affect us, pledged to carry out, within each policy area:

- Participation direct citizen decision-making governing bodies at local, provincial, regional and state levels.

- direct citizen participation in the proposal and adoption of legal rules at the local, provincial, regional and state levels.

- Establish mechanisms for public control and supervision over the activities of the executive and legislative branches.

- Transparency in the functioning of public administration, with free access to accounts and public procedures.

- To promote the independence of the judiciary.

- Advocate for general interest prevails over the interests of pressure groups in matters involving the executive, legislative and judicial.

condemn the use of violence and promulgate the use of dialogue to achieve political objectives.

If you think the future belongs to us, we should have control over it, another company that is best possible, make history. Let our democracy. Original

can sign in support and sharing on blogs or other networks here: ... offer

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Do I Do About Pinguecula

STRIKE CGT PVD get more breaks for all Paros

On 21 February the High Court ruled again confirming our right to enjoy a visual break of 5 minutes per hour.

As you recall, after a request from the CGT last year the courts had already dealt with this, however, companies interpreted the statement to their advantage by denying the right to enjoy the break for the last hour work. This last statement February 21 finally clarifies that for every hour of work falls pause developing countries, including the last of the day. Ie for 7 hours 7 pauses for 4 hours 4 breaks for 8 hours 8 breaks, etc.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Teeth Stained Wearing Braces

March 4 at the PSOE headquarters

People go out against this unjust law
Protest March 4.
Facing the nearest PSOE headquarters. Not
Sinde Law - Biden!
No to U.S. intervention in national sovereignty!
More information:
At 19.00 pm, every Friday.
No political parties or unions, or anything, just pissed off citizens. You can
More information on