Monday, March 14, 2011

Bankrupty On Helzberg Diamonds

mileuristas Manifesto for Participatory Democracy Protests

Now for the first time, we have facilities that allow us to full democracy. Civil society st century we are the better prepared than ever. However, we live in a false democracy, imperfect, asymmetrical, corruptible, subject to illegitimate interests and does not represent us. Time for a deep democratic regeneration.

People, groups, associations and parties who sign this manifesto we wish to be returned to the citizen the decisive role in the choice and control over decisions that affect us, pledged to carry out, within each policy area:

- Participation direct citizen decision-making governing bodies at local, provincial, regional and state levels.

- direct citizen participation in the proposal and adoption of legal rules at the local, provincial, regional and state levels.

- Establish mechanisms for public control and supervision over the activities of the executive and legislative branches.

- Transparency in the functioning of public administration, with free access to accounts and public procedures.

- To promote the independence of the judiciary.

- Advocate for general interest prevails over the interests of pressure groups in matters involving the executive, legislative and judicial.

condemn the use of violence and promulgate the use of dialogue to achieve political objectives.

If you think the future belongs to us, we should have control over it, another company that is best possible, make history. Let our democracy. Original

can sign in support and sharing on blogs or other networks here: ... offer


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