After more than a year negotiating agreement without progress, CCOO, UGT have called a ridiculous stoppages, with the sole intention of washing your face image to all workers. CCOO-UGT
have made clear their miserable pretensions. Their proposal is as follows:
1. Term of agreement: 1 January 2010 to December 31, 2012.
2. Wage Rise:
• 2010: 0.8% rise *
• 2011: 1% increase (with wage revision clause once known CPI).
• 2012: 1% rise (to wage revision clause once known CPI).
* As the actual inflation in 2010 was set at 3% want the remaining 2.2% pay us based on ABSENTEEISM (pretend that if we fall ill, go to the doctor, or use our permits will not recover the we have lost purchasing power.)
3. Maximum duration of contract for work for 4 years. Have called a general strike against labor reform and now want capture in our convention the worst of it. Recall that it states that the maximum duration of work contracts is 3 years, allowing this period is extended to 4 collective agreement.
4. The only "improvement" would be our annual medical 35 hours we can use also "to accompany family members under 14 and dependent."
NOT trying to deceive us to rally NOT WANT TO EVEN THE IPC SUBAN NOS, but a miserable 0.8%.
We can not accept that we convene in order to "fair wages" when charge the same thing years ago, sponsored under transition agreements with CPI increases, in practice, or fail to cover the actual increases of goods and services of first necessity, which have risen well over 0.8% to intend to sign.
for the rest, nothing. Will sign an agreement that, de facto, and as usual, cheaper layoffs, giving companies greater opportunities to complete construction contracts and keep adding more profits to the detriment of our rights.
CGT For A Coruna this call is not worth it because our demands we are further and further, participating in strikes would endorse these proposals miserable and condemn us to sign another agreement on the downside.
are in favor of information related to IF TO GET A DECENT AGREEMENT, DO NOT SIGN THIS GARBAGE THAT CLAIM.
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