The Gothic Lolita is a branch within the Lolita style that applies fundamentals of the Gothic, so it seemed appropriate to first talk about the lolita subculture . In a second post I will focus the different subtypes, in which I will discuss the Gothic Lolita.
Lolita is a subculture originated in Japan, known for a delicate aesthetic reminiscent of porcelain dolls. Her dress is inspired mainly in the Rococo and Victorian era, and also covers a wide range of sub-styles. Lolita style is essentially feminine, as there is no masculine term for the word "Lolita." Thus, men who wish to participate in this lifestyle are called Ouji . However, there are men who adopt female Lolita style creating an aesthetic androgynous thing: they are called Brolitas , and its most representative figure is the musician Mana (pictured).

According to the definition the dictionary gives us, "Lolita" refers to " a sexually precocious young girl " a term that is based on the novel by Vladimir Nobokov 1955, "Lolita ". However, this definition does not apply to Japanese Lolita fashion.

has not yet been able to determine the origin of the term clearly, but is usually attributed to a case of "Wasei-eigo ", ie a pseudo Anglicism japonés. Mientras que para un occidental el término Lolita tiene una connotación sexy (o incluso sexual), para un japonés es totalmente lo opuesto. Se refiere a un aspecto elegante y bello, pero sin ninguna connotación sexual. Si bien es cierto que el subestilo Ero-Lolita ha sido controvertido dentro de la propia subcultura y es el único que tiene una cierta connotación sexual.

En Japón, las Lolitas establecieron una manera específica de deletrear y escribir el término "Lolita" (pronunciado "roriita") con el fin de no confundirlo con otros términos como lolicon , y así evitar resultados desagradables y contenidos inapropiados en las búsquedas a través de la red.

La creencia común es que el movimiento Lolita surgió en la década de los 80 de la mano de marcas como MILK, Pink House y Pretty (actualmente Angelic Pretty). El Lolita primigenio estaba influenciado por el natural kei (movimiento estético de la década de los 70 de aspecto pastoral y bucólico), hasta ir evolucionando a los estándares que conocemos hoy. La moda lolita fue relativamente desconocida hasta el gran boom de los primeros años del siglo XXI gracias a la popularidad creciente de bandas de visual-kei como Malice Mizer . Su guitarrista, Mana , Became the main icon of the scene and popularized the term Elegant Gothic Lolita opening Moi-même-Moitié , lolita clothing brand. The style began to arouse interest throughout the world and is now more accessible thanks to the development of the first clothing store focusing on her fashion, and also offered the opportunity to purchase through the network.

From 2000 until present, the Lolita style has evolved extensively. Behind has been a black and white aesthetic, extending its range of colors and subtypes. Although the origin of the clothes were much more simple now becoming increasingly sophisticated. Since 2005, the patterns became relatively rare. But after 2006, the brand Angelic Pretty intruduce began Ama Lolita style (pastel colors, mainly pink and white, sweet-looking clothes and childish).

While some followers of the subculture are interested in the historical aspect of fashion, others have adopted a true lifestyle lolita. This means to apply this aesthetic to daily life, interact with the local community and have lolita typically feminine hobbies as baking cakes, sewing and elaborate embroidery. Some choose to live their day lolitas day as if they were princesses, are surrounded by very beautiful things and take particularly educated and refined ways of speaking and behaving.

The interaction between community members is one of the most important parts of life style. In these meetings take the opportunity to organize picnics, tea parties, visits to museums, art galleries and other activities. Each encounter has its specific rules and dress code. Lolitas For those who do not adopt this form of dress in their day to day is the perfect opportunity to show off their dresses and show their love for fashion.

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