Monday, April 4, 2011

Inivitation Wording To Pay For Your Own

what you sign!

informed the works council that from tomorrow we will give all workers sign a communication operations on the Data Protection Act (Organic Law on Data Protection).

signing the document that we are going to happen (reproduced on the back) we are allowing us to record all calls and is transferred, together with our identification data, Telefonica (or in the future to other clients of Attentive to we could work) with the excuse of checking the quality of service. But the quality of each service has been controlled by other means since I work here, by listening, not recording, and monitored, so do not hay necesidad de que nos graben para poder evaluarnos.

Esta sección sindical recomienda que leáis con atención el documento que nos van a pasar y que no firméis el recibí. No tenéis ninguna obligación de hacerlo.

Si tenéis alguna duda, preguntadnos.



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