Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can An International Student Lease A Car

da CGT peche da Coruña as do 29-S expression

Today, September 29, convened by all the class unions, workers are on strike, a general unemployment in order to achieve the measures antiobreiras overthrow the government. This invitation is not the arrogance of unitary CCOO-UGT, which caused the CGT make a call they coincide with the date for a mobilization to us late and insufficient, but no less necessary.
We know that tomorrow both the government and the unions run the institutional escenificar their reunion, already announced for later contacts, and discard what is not even trying to make up a wild Labor Reform recently approved. However, we can not expect any change really important these lackeys of capitalism, faithful servants of this obscene economic and social system. A as a percentage here or less there will not make sternohyoid, not one inch, plus about a more just or equitable than the current.
The assaults did not do more to get.
we are seeing now a lot of layoffs and Regulatory Expedients Employment as never seen. To this must be added the threat that has been declared on the pension system and pension amounts, freezing, hardening requirements and delaying the retirement age, and the Social Security system, about what is true threats such as the Copag medium-term . The obedient servants of the International Monetary Fund has not lost the fear, but the shame and are launching the open grave to prey any labor law which you put your hand. We must be aware that these are all money and can turn into profit in the pockets of capitalists and their stooges to what we neglect. This
Labor Reform showed the two fronts in the workers' struggle. On the one hand, we face directly with the capital, which occurs in companies, but on the other hand, one second ahead púxonos front, which is the nature of political and economic system in which some dominate more than in the parliamentary party and are no longer that the powerful tools with the function of legitimizing the oppression and exploitation by a few more. So we have also enfrentarnos this system outside the enterprise, these reclamandolles who call themselves statesmen our right to participate fully in the wealth we create and forcing the parliament, courts and other servants of the patula admit the just claims of our classroom.
can not stop the fight now, when entrepreneurs are more grown. Workers conscio have to convert the next few months at a mobilization combative demonstrating the powerful that they will not have easy roubarnos what is ours in an uprising continuing to demonstrate that unionism must be something else and it is possible to organize and fight without dragging the dignity through the mud.
Comrades, today more than ever,


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Coolest Lab Projects

Cradle Of Filth-The Death Of Love in Spanish

Banda is a great song is about Joan of Arc and treason that cost him the life of your beloved But God?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Basking Shark Cuddly Toy

Unison: 34 Traballo dismissed

last Monday, the 13th, the telemarketing firm unison informed the Committee the termination of 34 workers in Vigo by Article 17 of the Convention Collective: by reducing the volume of calls to the contractor (Help Desk Vodafone and Iberdrola).

The company justified the dismissals by lowering the volume of calls by 40 percent for each year: data unreliable because they can download the calls or the misuse of workload to other call centers in other populations. The descent of calls occurred during the summer months when the workload is less.

The severance pay is 8 days per year worked under the current Collective Agreement to be contracts for work and service (most of them have a seniority de 1 ano).

A cousa xa comenzou fai unhas semanas cun porcentaxe alto de sancións e amonestacións da empresa a traballadores por ter unha baixada de rendimento da calidade das chamadas cando a empresa non comunicou ó Comité de Empresa e ós traballadores o baremo dos criterios de calidade nin sequera aporta probas para xustificar as amonestacións e sancións impostas.

A empresa parece ser que en vez de fumigar o centro de arriba de pulgas (moitos traballadores deste centro teñen xa picaduras destes chinches) o que máis  lles preocupa é fumigar ós traballadores.

A rescisión dos contratos se fará efectiva o vindeiro día 28 de setembro ( día anterior the General Strike) one more reason to make his fellow strike that day.

Section Trade Union CGT unison Vigo made a proposal to the Company to concentrations in the doors of their establishments. The IGC will not do anything now that will do nothing to check for irregularities and CCOO and UGT not gave us.

of Unison workers still do not receive wage arrears, provided that two months ago SAEU the Supreme Court's ruling giving the reason for the CGT on the rise in the CPI and today the company still does not recognize other sentence T. Supreme deben and a rest of five minutes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Do Listerine Pocketpaks Contain

The Satanic Bible

Called by many of his followers the 'Black Pope', Anton Szandor LaVey began the road to the high priesthood of the Church of Satan when he was just 16 years and played the organ at a fair: "On Saturday night, I saw men looking lustfully at the girls dancing half nude in the carnival and on Sunday morning, when he played the organ in the tent of the evangelists at the other end of the fairground, he saw these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children asking God to forgive and free them of carnal desires. However, following Saturday night, returning to the show or some other place of convenience. I knew then that the Christian Church was founded in hypocrisy and that the carnal nature of man is inevitable! "

From that early experience in his life, the road was to follow was clear. Finally, the last night of April 1966, the night of Walpurgis the most important festival of the believers in witchcraft, LaVey shaved his head in the tradition of ancient executioners and announced the founding of the Church of Satan. He understood that there was a need for a church to recover the body of the man and his carnal desires as objects of celebration. "Because the carnal worship produces pleasure," he said, "there should be a temple of glorious indulgence ..."

The Satanic Bible contains all the teachings of La Vey. Far from the traditional image offered by the Christian Church Prince of Darkness as a bearer of evil, misery and vice, LaVey claimed figure Satan as a true symbol of freedom, wisdom and kindness. For the author, Satan was the purest embodiment of enlightenment and knowledge, and it shows in this iconic work.

The Church of Satan is recognized as a legitimate religion in America.

PSDT: THIS is a brief introduction and content dle else look for the book!