Monday, February 28, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie To Watch

The filet, a new framework for business and economics for the XXI Century

By: Alberto Garcia

I think it is useful to explain the concept of fillet I've used on occasion and I think there may be a meme that talk a lot in the coming years.
Philae is a Greek word translated (????) that mean something like tribe. Defines a set of families united by a similar culture and who share a productive economy for their livelihood. In ancient Greece, as well as individuals belonging to a polis, were members of a filet.
In a modern sense filé term was first used by Neal Stephenson in 1995 in the science fiction novel entitled The Diamond Age: Young Lady's Illustrated manual, which he described a kind of successor institution of the nation state. The company is organized into communities that share culture and economy, but unlike the latter and the former Greek phyles, their horizons are not bounded by geographical terms as telematics possibilities have enabled communities are transnational, with members scattered worldwide.
Jumping the world of science fiction to real life world David de Ugarte explores the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fillet from a socioeconomic point of view and we can see that in the Indianopedia is defined as "a transnational community that provides a business network and its own commercial, organized under the principle of economic democracy to ensure its autonomy ".
Economic democracy are businesses organized around democratic principles. Fully identified with economic democracy are cooperatives, but also economic democracy can be other types of companies and other organizations such as associations, networks of autonomous or freelancers , etc.
Possibly we will all have read or heard many times that with the advent of globalization the nation-state concept has begun to overcome. Usually people understand the fenóneno of globalization as a process related to the capitalism of the large multinational companies, but globalization is also conversational communities of people who come around to things like forums, blogs and the like on the internet. When people share passion for a subject and begin to relate discussion, interacting horizontally, they may emerge over time community and identity links between them. This is especially significant for people who speak a global language like English, French, Portuguese, Arabic and Castilian. For example in the case of our language can develop communities with members living in geographically distant places as shown on the maps as Lima, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Ushuaia and Seville but telematically so close to each other, to the beat of a click, which interest is botany.
A possible evolution of these communities conversational born with the Internet, setting up structures could be economic own network using networks for coordination. It stands to reason that if they take that step is going to respect democratic principles and the horizontal born and developed as conversational communities. It would then have been born a fillet. The file is therefore a concept very close to the culture of entrepreneurship and business, but also the faternidad within a bygone era of horizontality, free membership, voluntary cooperation and mutual assistance. David de Ugarte
even suggests a way to pass network filé twelve-step. In the case of our botanists who know the Internet, imagine that after a while discussing, interacting and debating, which have shared what they know with others and some have been known more as people decide to create a cooperative network physical florist with shops in several towns that are related by sharing knowledge about local varieties of each location in the network members through the Internet.
To continue reading:

Friday, February 25, 2011

Strret Legal Buggies In Texas

Health is a right, not a business

The newspaper published an article today through which trade unions have denounced the serious deficiencies and problems that the Basque public health, Osakidetza, is going through in recent years: .

Health is increasingly to the politicians who govern us and decide for us without consulting a kind of business to be profitable, not a universal right that every citizen should have access. Pirate Alderdi

considered quite intolerable that managers Osakidetza, with the excuse of the crisis, devote all efforts to minimize costs and to impose restrictive measures.

demand that the government also takes into account the needs and demands of professionals who work in Osakidetza, which like the citizens who vote for their political masters, no one has in mind.

Unions discarded for the moment calls for strikes, an issue that politicians should bear in mind to start as soon as negotiations and agreements with Osakidetza professionals.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fancy Dress Costumes Oap

A pact between the PSOE and PNV to circumvent the implementation of the Coastal Act

The PSOE and PNV have agreed to add an amendment (number 899) to the Law of Sustainability through which reform the Hydrocarbons Law to allow the refineries "entitled" to extend their leases to occupy the Coastal Public Domain even after the expiry of their current permissions.

This is an amendment specifically designed to be left in place for thirty years more, to Petronor refinery, a facility located on the coast but also in the town center, in the town of Muskiz (Vizcaya), against whose expansion residents have struggled with for years.

The refinery has been expanded six times since its initial installation in 1968, and have reported numerous legal irregularities in its licensing and operating procedures, as well as alarms and incidents continued, the health conditions of population and environmental damage of all types (for more information,

Granting that the refinery had to be extinguished in 2012. But by this amendment, adopted without knowledge of citizens and without participation or debate in Parliament, Petronor goes to show that we are willing to manipulate and push its own democratic institutions to continue extracting a profit at the expense of conservation environment and health of citizens.

there not a single parliamentarian to raise his voice against this injustice?

Sign here:

Why Do Cheddar Cheese Melt

Intellectual Property: An outdated model

addition to the panoply of subsidies and other protectionist measures, the Government provided a further twist to his remarks in favor of the bureaucrats of cinema with the "Law Sinde.

Under the noble intention of protecting intellectual property rights, hides the advocacy of a group that aspires to the impossible: force others to pay for seeing things that do not want. To make matters worse, attempts to bring the Internet to police practices or witch hunt will have no effect.

The market will look for new ways to distribute movies or other cultural product likely to be digitized. The technology break down any barrier regulation that is trying to impose. This is, in short, the position behind intellectual testament Alex de la Iglesia in his speech at the Goya Awards.

the outset, information is costly to produce and cheap to reproduce. Films that cost millions of euros may be copied at a bargain price. Economists say that the production of an information good involves high fixed costs but low marginal costs.

Thus, the cost of producing the first copy of such goods can be substantial, but to produce or reproduce additional copies is negligible.

Desde esta perspectiva, los cambios tecnológicos han destruido la estructura tradicional del marco jurídico sobre el que se sostenía la protección de la propiedad intelectual.

La información digital puede ser perfectamente copiada e instantáneamente transmitida a todo el mundo, y al ser gratuita los productores podrían no ser capaces de recuperar sus costes de producción. En el caso del cine, esta hipótesis teórica no se ve apoyada por la evidencia empírica.

En ese sentido, los intentos de prohibir la piratería en la red para salvar al cine español de sus depredadores es absurda por una sencilla razón: apenas se descargan national films. Among the most downloaded 20 films over the Internet in 2009 and 2010 finds no English and vampirism of Internet has not prevented leaders tapes obtained spectacular box office revenues.

So Avatar raised U.S. $ 2,880 million despite being the most pirated movie on Internet in 2010, and so did Star Trek in 2009, he joined a similar amount.

On average, the theoretical economic loss, loss of income for producers of major films downloaded from the network does not exceed 5 per percent of box office, ie a percentage irrelevant. Moreover, no one would be shocked that the viewers go down free movies, like the English, who have already paid their taxes, subsidies and tax.

From this perspective, the content owners exaggerate the risks of technological innovation and on intellectual property piracy. The history of the video industry is a good example. Hollywood

panicked when the appearance of the videos allowed to copy movies broadcast on television and launched an aggressive legal campaign to prevent such phenomenon. obviously did not achieve its objective.

addition to undesirable is impossible to stop innovation and technological change when it occurred. The irony is that today, many of the productions from the Mecca of the Movies are made through the sale and rent videos has made for years, and still is, a huge source of revenue for the studios.

In a scenario of technological revolution, the smart strategy of those who defend intellectual property should be to choose the terms and conditions that maximize their value , instead of insisting to maximize the terms and conditions of their protection.

Services like iTunes let people buy songs efficiently and at a low price. The artists have begun using YouTube and other sources to offer free music as a way to generate interest and referrals to pages where you can purchase your music.

This makes the artists more accessible and provides them with wider audiences. In short, market forces themselves will eventually discover new methods and procedures to combine the desires of producers and consumers, as has always happened throughout history.

Finally, intellectual property is a different animal to the physical property. This, by definition, is weak, and the first is not as images, ideas, sounds etc. can be played endlessly.

Somehow, has features very similar to those of so-called public goods: non-rivalry in consumption, ie listening to a radio station does not prevent others from doing so, and the inability to exclude consumers use or enjoyment, ie I can not prevent access to a movie that is being offered for free on the Web

As Benjamin Tucker said late nineteenth century, if someone wants to monopolize their ideas, the only way is to keep them out of business.

In practice, Sinde Act, in addition to its inability to protect intellectual property rights of bureaucratic culture, creates the basis for triggering a real witch hunt against internet. is a clear example of the reactionary nature of socialism prevailed.

Lorenzo Bernaldo de Quirós. Editorial Board Member of elEconomista

Thursday, February 17, 2011

1989 Ski Doo 377 Ignition Test

"Red flags and broken songs" on Romo-Itzubaltzeta Friday February 18 Do you consider

irratiko Kosko 10. urteurrena ospatzen hasi ginen Rafael Amor abeslari ezagunarekin. Ba, ospakizunekin jarraitzeko, ekitaldi berezi bat prestatu dugu asteburu honetarako, izan ere, haren semea den Salvador Amor -en kontzertu bat prestatu dugu datorren ostiralerako, otsailaren 18erako, Itzubaltzeta-Erromoko gaztetxean . Kontzertua diruz laguntzeko, 5 €-ko sarrerak jarriko ditugu. Hitzordu paregabea beraz, musikarekin gozatzeko.
Animatu eta zatoz!

Dentro de los festejos de los 10 años de Koska Irratia, este viernes 18 de febrero a partir de las 21 hs ofreceremos el espectáculo "Rojo cancionero y banderas rotas" de la mano de Salvador Love and Gabriel Ortega.

"Red flags and broken song," Love and Gabriel Salvador Ortega.
Held Gaztetxe Romo (Metro Gobela)
Date: Friday February 18, 2011, 21hs
Admission: 5 euros.

To listen: P = 5742

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Can You Use Instead Of A Heat Proof Mat

parties for something to voters? Bilbogune

Do you consider the English political parties for something to voters? It is a question that we can take on numerous occasions, in view of historical events that have been happening in recent years.

For example, when brewing the Second Gulf War in Iraq, being in all the polls over 90% of the population of the State against the conflict, did the PP into account the opinions and not only citizens, but from their own voters that were against the despotism of the leader who wanted such a conflict?.

Later, in this legislature, the two great monopolies of the state political parties, PSOE and PP, launched a campaign to mislead the public that it was inevitable and undeniable pension reform for later retirement at age 67 and charge less, despite the monumental propaganda orchestrated from all media related, could not convince even his own voters, did they consider your views?.

Finally, it begins to launch the balloon that is essential to reform the wage system to fit the calculation according to productivity, curiously, once more yielding to the demands of a foreign state, German, as was done to pensions, and as was done with the Law Sinde-Biden with the U.S., and once again the two big parties in front of them to their own voters, who see with total confidence this season. Do take into account this time? I doubt very much ...

Against this totalitarian illustrated, this "all for the people, but without the people" from EKAP demand a policy change towards a real democratic system, democratic reform in depth, that option to the citizens to participate and decide what they really want, or is that power belongs to citizens and other Members?. We demand referenda for large-scale reforms and deeply affect all citizens, greater democratic participation is not limited exclusively to go to the polls once every four years.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Web Archiv Pattycakeonline

Eurocan A Coruña

The CGT , along with other unions in the council, have decided to call an hour stoppages by turns Wednesday, February 16, protest the collective modification times more than 300 workers , at short notice, ignoring the provisions of the Workers' Statute, the Collective Agreement and the agreements signed with the Committee.
With nocturnal and despicable way, Friday at 21:30 pm have tried to deceive the evening shift workers, making them individually sign an "assumption agreement", which is a blank check with which seek to justify their abuses, which have not achieved.
These facts lead to a change in the relationship between business and committee, which reflects a new direction from the center of Corunna think you can do what he pleases and does not know what are the rights of workers. For CGT
this assault on the rights of workers is an inadmissible . For all calls, along with the rest of the committee:
from 12:00 to 13:00 and from 18:00 to 19:00

No aggression without response.
On Wednesday all showed that our rights are not playing.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kates Playground Living Room


The company, which last year racked up the highest number of dismissals of Galicia, which has repeatedly been sanctioned in the Labour Court and has allegedly provided false information to the Department of the presentation Traballo ERE (2010), returns to ride. After being punished for fraud in procurement, what has led him to have to do a large volume of permanent contracts, now starts an operation of harassment and dismissal among workers, the reason: to continue firing while on the other hand, taking advantage of new workers hired, supposedly , succulents that these contracts are subsidies.
Given these facts, the CGT Section Association has decided to begin mobilization, the first of which will be a concentration-protest in front of the workplace, in the Circle of A Grela, C / Copernico 6, Building BCA No 28, next Tuesday February 15 from 11:30 to 12:00 hours.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Halle Berry Short Curly Weave

Badator! March 12, IV. collective market edition January 27

Bilbogune * EH Bilbogunea
osatzen dugun Gizarte eragileok, kalea gure esparru dela USTE dugu natural. Horregatik, kalean Elkartu, erakutsi, eztabaidatu, saldu borrokatu, bizi, egon, konpartitu, gozatu.... nahi dugu gurekin urteetan zehar elkarlanean zaudeten guztiekin. Helburu hori betetzeaz gaiz, gure elkarte-mugimendua ikustarazi eta gure diskurtsoak gizarteratu nahi ditugu, baina baita gure "produktuak" saldu, zergaitik ez? Batzuk euren independentzia ekonomikoa bermatzeko autogestiorako sortzen dituzten materialak, beste batzuk argitaratzen dituzten aleak ezagutarazteko,...azkenean, bestelako Bilbo eraikitzeko, kontrainformazioa eta eredu alternatiboak erakutsi eta irakatsi behar dira. Eta indarrak biltzen ditugunean, astindua eraginkorragoa izaten ohi da.
Ikuspuntu horretatik abiatuta, 2010ko martxoan lehenengo Bilbogune-Kolektiboen Merkatua ospatu genuen, eta arrakasta ikusita urtero hiru merkatu ospatzea erabaki genuen, bigarrena 2010ko ekainean izanik, hirugarrena 2010ko urrian izan zen. Iada IV. edizioa prestatzen gabiltza: 2011ko Matxoaren 12an izango da.
Zure elkarteak oraindik ez du parte hartzen? Plataforma honekin bat egin nahi baduzue idatzi hurrengo e-postara: bilbogune.merkatua(a)

Los colectivos sociales que conformamos Bilbogune, consideramos que la calle es nuestro ámbito natural de trabajo. Es por eso por lo que queremos debatir, disfrutar, encontrarnos, vender, vivir, estar, gozar, pelear....junto con todos aquellos y aquellas con los que trabajamos codo by side throughout the year. In addition, we intend to be the showcase Bilbogune through which society show our work, our struggles and demands, we offer an alternative to what is seen lately in the streets of Bilbo. Thus, in addition to the sale of materials that some collective self-management and ensure their economic independence, other published materials through which they develop their speeches. Each group or social movement, from its scope of work, struggle to create alternatives, counter-report, with a model of society to teach and display. And when the forces come together, the punch can be longer.
Under this philosophy nació Bilbogune: el primer mercado se celebró en marzo del 2010 y, a la vista del éxito, organizamos una segunda edición en junio del 2010 a la que le sigue en octubre del 2010. Esta cuarta que ya nos encontramos preparando: será el próximo 12 de marzo del 2011.
¿Tu colectivo todavía no participa? Si queréis sumaros a nuestra plataforma, escribid un e-mail a bilbogune.merkatua(a)

Skidoo Tundra Blowing Bulbs

CGT rides again before the social contract: CCOO, UGT resold

On the day that has been known that there are 130,930 new people standing in the English state, and have surpassing the 4.2 million registered unemployed people, the Government, employers and trade unions UGT-CCOO have been staged, with great media hype, the signing of a social and economic development for growth, employment and ensuring the pensions.
For the General Labour Confederation (CGT ) the most important aspect of what was signed in La Moncloa is reform public pension system . The agreement worsens considerably the existing rights of the working class that were in force. From now on working people have to work longer until retirement and pension charge less. Have agreed:

- DELAY THE LEGAL AGE OF RETIREMENT . Working life is lengthened to 67 years (before 65)
- HARD ACCESS TO FULL BOARD . You have to contribute 37 years to receive a 100% (previously 35)
- You can only retire at 65 with 100% who have contributed 38.5 years (previously 35)
- DELAY EARLY RETIREMENT. It extends the age of voluntary early retirement to 63 years (previously 61) and increases the penalty.
- CUT THE MIDDLE INCOME PENSION . Increased from 15 to 25 years (gradually) the period of computation for calculating the pension.
- HARD partial retirement to almost stop it.
For CGT measures under the reform of the pension system are exclusively aimed at reducing spending and not to guarantee the social protection system . We understand that the viability of the pension system must also consider the revenue expenditure. In this pact only took into account how to spend less on pensions.
From CGT propose some measures to generate revenue for Social Security:
Creating quality jobs, so that there is a greater number of contributions.
Reducing the workday to 35 hours to generate more jobs.
Increase wages, thus contribute more to Social Security.
Increasing the employment of women, currently the English state has the highest rate of female unemployment in the EU.
Lowering the retirement age to 60 years to generate more jobs
combat tax evasion and the underground economy, to spend those revenues on pensions.
Increase taxes richer.
Add that is always the way of the general state budget to ensure the right to decent public pension. Take measures to promote the general welfare and pensioners and is ultimately a matter of political will.
Another point of agreement are called active employment policies. Its actual effectiveness is reduced only to an employment plan for children under 30 years, with a duration of 12 months, and only for part-time contracts. In addition, each employer who hires a young man will have a 100% of employer contributions.
With more than 40% of youth unemployment and school dropout rates of more than 30% this so-called youth employment plan is a joke . As a mockery to say that is an employment agreement when it is the only measure this in a country with more than 4.7 million people unemployed.
Another call active employment measures, is the grant of 400 € to the unemployed who have run the right to strike. For CGT this measure is not sufficient to combine a decent life.
The agreed document also includes several sections relating to collective bargaining, industrial policy, energy policy and innovation issues public. All these paragraphs do not contain any relevant agreement, most of them are only statements of intent and commitment to establish new future negotiating sessions. Seem rather to have been introduced to fill the paper and whose purpose is to enable the signatories to do the same propaganda the agreement. CGT
states that the social and economic pact signed by the Socialist Government, business organizations and CEPYME CEOE-UGT-CCOO seriously undermines working people, contributing to its internal divisions and not enough defending public pension system's harassment of banking and selfishness speculation. The CGT union
going to keep fighting against this new attack on the working class.