The vampire legend is 125 BC was originally written in Greek. Vampire legends originated from east to west in the company of the caravans along the silk route through the Mediterranean. From there it spread to Asia and then to the Slavic lands and the Carpathians. The myths were originally more closely associated with Iran, then migrated around the eighth century, where they are now. Almost as soon as they arrived, began the process of Christianization and vampire legends and myths survive. Later, the Gypsies migrated from north to west of India (where they have various myths about vampires), and there mingled with myths the Slavic Village. Gypsies arrived in Transylvania briefly before Vlad Dracul was born in 1431. The vampire here was the ghost of a dead person, which in most cases had been a witch, magician etc. It is afraid of vampires, because they kill people, but also look like them. But there are certain things that differentiate them from a living being, can not project any kind of shade or can be reflected in any mirror. Besides vampires can change shape, such as a bat, rat, wolf or mist and that makes it extremely difficult to capture. As we begin a new day vampires have to sleep in their coffins by the rays of the sun would kill them, but morning wake up thirsty for blood. The most common form of nourishment is flying through a window as a bat and then bite the victim in the neck and suck all the blood. Vampires can not enter a home without guests will be before, but once they have your permission, may enter as often as they want. The vampire is dangerous not only because it kills people but because they killed their victims after they become vampires. The stronger side of the vampires is that they are almost immortal, only some very special rites pruned kill such as drive a stake through his heart, cut his head and burning his body. HOW TO BECOME A VAMPIRE
: - Animals that jump over a body: If a person has died, and an animal (usually a cat) jumps over the body before burial, a person can become a vampire. In Romania it can be cured by putting a piece of iron in the hand of the corpse. - Red Hair: In Greek mythology it was common for Redheads, after death become vampires. This is the belief that Judas Iscariot had red hair. - Other Ways Commons: Suicide. Being a wizard or witch. Being the seventh son. Being bitten by a vampire. Drink the blood of a vampire. Being the victim of a murder without revenge. A dead body that is reflected in a mirror. Not to receive a burial itself.
: - Animals that jump over a body: If a person has died, and an animal (usually a cat) jumps over the body before burial, a person can become a vampire. In Romania it can be cured by putting a piece of iron in the hand of the corpse. - Red Hair: In Greek mythology it was common for Redheads, after death become vampires. This is the belief that Judas Iscariot had red hair. - Other Ways Commons: Suicide. Being a wizard or witch. Being the seventh son. Being bitten by a vampire. Drink the blood of a vampire. Being the victim of a murder without revenge. A dead body that is reflected in a mirror. Not to receive a burial itself.
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