Over the centuries, the image of the vampire has gained a remarkable importance, has been an issue (some hidden) that has always been there, to our complete range, waiting to be studied. Vampires, elegant creatures of the night for some, cruel and bloodthirsty predators to others protagonists of countless stories, legends, books, movies ... but still walk among us willing to go unnoticed among the society ... The concept of vampire, as we know it, the result of a merger between superstition, history and their own fear. In essence we call vampire who believe that dead back to life to feed on human blood, in order to survive. He fears religious objects such as crosses and holy water and other like garlic, and can only be destroyed by driving a stake through the heart and sunlight, becoming in turn to ashes, precisely to protect themselves should seek shelter in coffins warehouses or other dark corners where no light. But there are other more complex dimensions of the meaning of the word vampire, depending on countries, cultures and legends that have taken root around the world through the centuries. In Mesopotamia there was the "Utuhu" and "Maskin" vampiric beings with membranous wings that caused plagues, chaos and destruction. In Egypt highlighted the goddesses "Srun" and "Apop" beings wolf image and sharp fangs. Slavic tradition says the first people who attacked the vampires are your family, then friends and finally strangers. In Romania, it was thought that the young vampire seducing the opposite sex, abuse sexually exhausted them until they died, it was called "Strigoi", which in turn branch into two families, the "Strigoi Vii" who were called witches, vampires, and "Mort Strigoi" which are traditional undead vampires. The "Lilitu", Asia Minor, were fed with blood of newborns, also in Asia Minor spread the cult of the god Baal, the god of blood spilled in her honor the blood of animals and humans with to appease the wrath of God, as in India with the sacrifices made for the goddess Kali. " The Phoenicians spread the cult of "Astarte" whose priests were ripped off his own skin and poured inside the coffin of "Adonis" the lover of "Astarte." The Chaldeans believed that sex preceded the drinking of blood. The Indians' pisachas "raped and devoured the women while they slept. The "Lamia" Greek and Roman, were themselves lovers and vampires, after devouring sex spouses. The Russian vampire, known as "Vieszcy", bit the hands and feet while in the grave, but at midnight escaped and attacked the cattle, I sucked the blood and then rang the bells of the church, as strange ritual final. The Bulgarian vampire had two forms, in the first forty days of vampirism, had a membranous body glowed in the dark, and after a long and Bulgarian viper lengua.Este vampire was known as "Wurdolack" and stated that it was a dead man possessed by a demon, they said that this kind of vampirism was herditario. The vampire German, "Toter Neun," was accused of spreading plague, his body covered with nasty, smelly wounds. Witches' civateteo "of Mexico, believed to be the ghosts of women dying in childbirth, so that venganban stealing children. The "Ekinmu" in ancient Assyria, were the ghosts of people whom they had not been properly buried, if they are not making an offering, drank the blood of the living, his appearance meant certain death. In Malaysia, "Langsuan" were women who could transform into an owl, and returned from the dead to attack children. Japanese vampires, they could take the form of frightening animals, even they could disguise their victims after hiding their bodies and ultimately our country, Spain are the "Guaxas" Asturian and "sacauntos" Cantabria, which are creatures of nature vampire. A part of a whole crowd of other myths that have highlighted far beyond the role of vampires. A part of the folklore, there have been many and bloody vampires throughout history, I mean historical characters with names and surnames are practicing vampirism: Vlad Tepes, Elizabeth Bathory, Gilles De Rais, Ed Gein, Peter Kurten and Arman Fritz among others. All of them, committed at different times many sadistic murder rate, for one reason or another, even to drink the blood of his victims, all of them have also been made into movies: Dracula, The Bloody Countess, The Vampire of Dusseldorf, The Tenderness of Wolves, Deranged, Ed Gein ...
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