CYCLOPS: The Cyclopes were giants whose origin lies in Mythology Greek. Beings are very strong, sturdy, stubborn and abrupt emotional. Have only one eye, large, situated in the center of the forehead. In this eye was attributed special powers, as it is able to disintegrate almost anything at a glance. ccording to Greek mythology there are two generations of Cyclopes; The first generation was made up of three brothers who have been called the "master craftsman." The second is formed by a group of Cyclops who lived in Sicily. The first generation of Cyclopes was formed by three brothers, Arges (glare), Brontes (thunder) and Sterope (lightning). These 3 Cyclops were, with the Titans and the giants of a hundred hands the children of Gaia and Urano.Eran blacksmiths who built the Olympus of the Gods, as they were well suited to work the metal. He also forged the thunderbolt of Zeus. Uranus hated his offspring, the Cyclopes prisoners held within Gaia (earth goddess) until he was killed by another son, Cronus (a Titan). Cronus feared the power of the huge Cyclops so the lock again. Zeus rescued the Cyclopes and the latter with its rays helped Zeus defeat the Titans. The second generation of Cyclopes were the offspring of Poseidon. These Cyclopes were giant beings who lived in Sicily, under any law. One of them, Polyphemus, is one of the protagonists The Odyssey of Homer. These Cyclops did not have the ability to the metal that had their predecessors. Is devoted to grazing.
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