Atlantis meaning always a mystery and a truth for many researchers, a fable or story to others. There are many old stories that describe a powerful civilization, which after being destroyed by some kind of cataclysm, emigrate to other lands, founded several important civilizations and even today described investigated by history and science ."... Once upon an island named Atlantis, large, beautiful and opulent. Situated opposite the close calls columns of Heracles (Straits of Gibraltar). The island was larger than Libya (India) and Asia combined ... their houses had roofs of gold, with ships and armies for invasion and conquest ... It abounded flashes of fire (precious metals), superb fruit, wonderful and infinite amount. The god who ruled it was Poseidon, god of the seas and waters. All its inhabitants were virtuous until the divine element in them was distorted by frequent mixed with deadly element. It was then that human values \u200b\u200bprevailed. Unable to bear the wealth, the inhabitants were conducted without honesty, and the gods cleared the land with the water (it sank under the sea). This singular historia ocupa algo más de veinte páginas en dos célebres diálogos del filósofo griego Platón, escritos hacia el año 350 antes de Cristo. A partir de entonces se ha dicho y escrito tanto sobre la Atlántida que el grueso de la comunidad científica se mantiene escéptico y considera que ese lugar es una fantasía concebida por la mente humana. Y es que su existencia se apoya sólo en relatos, mitos y leyendas.El Libro de los Muertos, nombre dado en general a una amplia colección de textos funerarios de varias épocas y que contienen fórmulas mágicas, himnos y oraciones que, según los antiguos egipcios, guiaban y protegían el alma (Ka) durante su viaje a la región de los muertos (Amenti), recounts in Chapter XVII by Albert Slosman (professor of mathematics and a doctorate in computer analysis and research in Egyptology and atlantología) that after the catastrophe in Atlantis platform, a large group, led by Usir, Iset and Hor , went into it was for them "Land of the West" or Mogreb.Los names of these princes are transformed into what today are known as Osiris, Isis and Horus, the "First Born." In this book, according to Egyptologists the "beyond" is the name of a country that was submerged by the wrath of God. That country is called Aha-Men-Ptah (Amenta for the Greeks), who wants accurate translation say "first heart, or heart firstborn of Ptah or one God", on the other hand said that the survivors settled in Ath-Ka-Ptah, meaning "second heart of Ptah" which is Greek phonetization Egyptos.Escondidos in tropical forests, the remains of Mayan culture are surprisingly rich. Forced to fight against nature, these inhabitants of a vast region had an effective Mesoamerican writing system and an exact domain of astronomy and mathematics. Knew and used the zero from the first centuries of the Christian era. As astronomers, the accuracy of their calendar is astonishing even today. For example, the lunar months (full moon phases) were estimated by the Maya at 11. Días.Los 960 are set in modern astronomers 11,959,888 days, which equates to a delay of 1 day every 292 years and an error of less than 5 minutes per year, ie, 23 seconds per lunation. Why culture Advanced disappeared so suddenly? The cessation in the construction of religious buildings and politicians was the first sign of the decline of the Maya. The population also declined, and many sites were abandoned in a short time (eg, Tikal rose from fifty thousand to five thousand in the late ninth century, the city was completely deserted). In Pre-Columbian civilizations referred to large civilizing teachers or prophets, as Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, Viracocha and Manco Capac, "the first Inca the Incas, I added between the Tupi of Brazil. These teachers were described as white skinned gods Barbados, coming from the East, ie where there would have been the continent of Atlantis. We must also refer to the similarity between the architecture of these pre-Columbian cultures Architecture Culture Egipcia.Por elsewhere in Brazil there is a huge dark monolith called "Inga Stone." Inscriptions on the stone covering the entire surface (24 m long by 3 m high) and the signs were carved by the complex technique of low relief, the same as used Egyptians and hitaitas (people who lived on the plains of Anatolia Turkish territory today and part of Syria). This script has many similarities with the hitaita but not all, can find similarities with Egyptian hieroglyphics, Sumerian and Indus Valley , and many are not found in any of the above schemes, leading to the conclusion that the writing of "Inga Stone" is a pictorial or ideofonográfico, ancestor of the systems mentioned, that is, a hieroglyphic script possibly Atlante Mother " ?. The Dendera Zodiac, a piece that came to Paris in 1822, after a complicated journey of twenty years after its discovery, and that was forgotten in a deep basement many years, according to the date on which the Atlantean cataclysm occurred which, argues Albert Slosman, occurred 12,000 years ago, circa 9792 BC
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