Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter (daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus and goddess of fertility and wheat). His uncle Hades (brother of Zeus and god Hell), he loved her and kidnapped one day.
She was picking flowers in the company of their friends the nymphs and father's sisters, Athena and Artemis, and at the time it'll take a lily, (according to other versions a daffodil), the earth opens and Hades crack and take the lead.
Thus, Persephone became the goddess of the Underworld. Apparently, the abduction was carried out with the help of Zeus accomplice, but in the absence of Demeter, as it began a long and sad journeys in search of his beloved daughter, during which the land became barren.
While Zeus was sorry and ordered Hades to return Persephone, but this was not possible because the girl had eaten a pomegranate seed, while in Hell, is not known whether voluntarily or tempted by Hades. The problem was that a mouthful of any product involved Tartarus be chained to it forever.
To ease the situation, Zeus decreed that Persephone spent part of the year in the confines of Earth, along with Hades, and the other part on earth with her mother, Demeter promise while fulfilling its role germination and return to Olympus.
Proserpina Persephone is known as the Latins.
Legend has it that the origin of Spring lies precisely in this rapture, as when Persephone is taken to Hell, the flowers were grieved and died, but when he returns, the flowers bloom again for the joy that will cause the return of the young. Since the presence of Persephone in the land becomes cyclical, and the birth of flowers does too.
Moreover, during the time that Persephone is kept away from her mother, Demeter and confined to Tartarus, or the underworld, as the wife of Hades, the land becomes barren and sad comes the winter season.
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