Since June 16 was approved labor reform, corporate sector employers (ACCE) want to use it to further increase their obscene profits at the expense of further exploiting us and cutting our rights. Even before the adoption paralyzed agreement negotiations, arguing that while its content was not known were not going to continue with meetings and now threaten to change its convention platform for implementing the new reform . Therefore
from the CGT have proposed to the other unions who attend the negotiation meetings (CCOO, UGT and CIG) a commitment not to sign anything that lowers our precarious working conditions, either giving up rights acquired in previous agreements or accepting the introduction of some of the measures adopted by the government. Of course, for us it comes to ensuring the conservation of current conditions, we still hard to get a decent will continue asserting our platform agreement, as we have done since negotiations began. Our intention is to make it clear to employers that we will not allow to take out a slice of that crisis, in view of the results that companies are getting, is not affecting this sector. Then
reproduce the letter sent to other unions :
Dear colleagues, I address this letter
along with the other unions that make up the bank office in the Bureau of collective agreement negotiations with the object Contact Center to propose that all unions participating in such negotiations and protest irrespective of differences that exist in our trading platforms collectively and publicly assume the following commitments: First .-
to refer to the text of any collective agreement limitations and cuts the new labor reform aims . It would be very logical addition, the workers call a general strike against a standard on 29 September, to finish shaping it in our own convention months later. Second .-
not modify any of the articles of agreement that the Supreme Court has decided in its interpretation favorable to the interests of workers unless this be achieved improve these conditions.
thank you for your attention and waiting for your reply and send you greetings libertarian.
As for the salary increase of 1% lead by stealing from January 2009 indeed the Supreme Court admitted the appeal of the employer's sector as confirms the decision of the Audiencia Nacional which estimated that the inflation forecast for 2009 was 2%. Atento ... comes to paying.
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