I've had a busy week so I have not had time to think and find things about the looks inspired. But it had long wanted to post about a simple way to personalize your clothing, such as patches.

do not have to have no sewing skills. Only choose a patch that you like, combine well with the colors of the garment and stitch in place to better see. I like them on the front to look good, but you can add patches on bass, on the sleeves or back. Or you can even combine several of the same garment.

The three shirts you see in the photographs bought at Zara for 6 or 7 €. With a simple patch (2 or 3 € by store and model) I got a piece unique and personal. I love the skulls, but you can choose many great models like spider webs, crosses old military insignia, and create different styles. It is a very easy and inexpensive to customize your everyday clothes creating something different.

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