was 17 when I started to dye my black cabinet. At first I was buying clothes without much order, I just noticed they were black. Years passed, I passed the stage of "if it is black me" and my parents passed the stage of "this is a phase of our daughter." And so I came, ten years later, at the current 27. For me, turning 25, which changed from being a young girl to a young adult. I began to feel after that age was not comfortable with some clothes because I do not see them. I reminded my self of the 18 or 22, but I stuck with my I-25.
The fact that on many occasions not understand the goth subculture as a "phase" in the network makes things like find to be Goth is a subculture that is shared by young people in their teens rebel, but to reach 25 all that is forgotten. And it is true that it is more difficult to find supporters of culture past the 25 or 30 than those who still do not reach 20. This conception of the Gothic as a teen fashion has at times to which we are adding years we have seen from outside as people that we are refusing to ripen.
I was searching the net for articles about people that had addressed the issue, but at least in English, I found nothing really useful. Personally, I can not claim the same principles of fashion at 25 or 30, at 18. Just as you change, it is normal also evolve the way you dress, which does not mean you have to give up your style.
These are the tips I've applied in my daily life. I guess each will have addressed the experience in his own way and will have its own principles and thoughts about it. I do not intend "to offend" to younger readers, but the truth is that gothic fashion is viewed from a different perspective after a few years. I think at first we tend towards aesthetics much more striking and perhaps "extreme", which I love, although it does not use it much. Just as there are people who has a striking aesthetic over the years, which also seems cool.
tips are just people who feel they need to evolve in its aesthetics. Also wanted to point out that although for me the change of attitude in the dress came at 25, is only a guideline figure. While the advice I give are exposed from a female perspective, are generally applicable to a man.
The fact that on many occasions not understand the goth subculture as a "phase" in the network makes things like find to be Goth is a subculture that is shared by young people in their teens rebel, but to reach 25 all that is forgotten. And it is true that it is more difficult to find supporters of culture past the 25 or 30 than those who still do not reach 20. This conception of the Gothic as a teen fashion has at times to which we are adding years we have seen from outside as people that we are refusing to ripen.
I was searching the net for articles about people that had addressed the issue, but at least in English, I found nothing really useful. Personally, I can not claim the same principles of fashion at 25 or 30, at 18. Just as you change, it is normal also evolve the way you dress, which does not mean you have to give up your style.
These are the tips I've applied in my daily life. I guess each will have addressed the experience in his own way and will have its own principles and thoughts about it. I do not intend "to offend" to younger readers, but the truth is that gothic fashion is viewed from a different perspective after a few years. I think at first we tend towards aesthetics much more striking and perhaps "extreme", which I love, although it does not use it much. Just as there are people who has a striking aesthetic over the years, which also seems cool.
tips are just people who feel they need to evolve in its aesthetics. Also wanted to point out that although for me the change of attitude in the dress came at 25, is only a guideline figure. While the advice I give are exposed from a female perspective, are generally applicable to a man.
1 - Clean and sort your wardrobe: probably by now have achieved accumulate a lot of clothes. And it's time to do a serious cleaning. Away clothing that is too old and not in good condition. And also away those items that you loved when you were 20, but years ago that you get because you do not see them or because you think they give the appearance of a "rebellious teenager." Which is very old, it's better than the tires, but that is in good condition can save it for "future generations" for sewing projects or even donate it to charity.

2 - Soften the look. In our time "baby bat", that is, when we started in the subculture, we tend to think that the more elements you add a gothic look to emphasize the gothic side, the better. Now it is to emphasize your look with a single piece of Gothic look more pronounced, and combine it with more neutral clothing because what we want to avoid is apparently disguised as a young adult. For example, if you're wearing a shirt with gothic details such as lace or bows, combine it with a simple skirt or pants flat. But do not try to combine it with a pair of pants with lots of strings, straps and rivets because it will be too heavy. Decántate by simple lines and basic clothing, and always be right.
supplements in the same, do not recharge with wristbands, necklaces, tiaras, necklaces and all these things at once. Choose one or two items you like in particular such a striking pendant, then add small embellishments. It highlights that you above them and not vice versa.
3 - Gothic Enterprise. We are in an age when we begin to move into employment. Inside your closet distinguishes the clothes you wear to work, clothes and apparel for special occasions. Although there are elements interchangeable among these three classes, try to adapt best to the label that you require on the job. In your everyday clothing combines neutral clothing gothic clothing, and special occasions can afford the most striking combinations.

4 - Quality, not quantity. is likely that your purchasing power has increased somewhat. It is time that primes the quality of clothing on the amount you have. Good quality clothing will give a more careful and adult. It is not necessary that you go to the most expensive, but you try to maintain an average quality in your closet.
5 - Know your body, your age and get even assuming party. Regardless of whether weight has changed over the years, at this point and you know your body well, you know things and do not favor. Assume your current figure and dress according to her, not you insist on wearing these pants for years and now you are tight or you are great. And now you know what are the strengths of your body, Get paid properly choosing the clothes.
At the same time, avoid going too "stripped." It's not that your figure has changed or not. But I give a more mature maintain certain limits on the length of skirts or cleavage of the shirts. Avoid very short skirts because past a certain age, will make you seem childish. Remember that dress is as at your age, do not dress at 30 as you did at 18. This does not mean you're going to see less sexy, quite the opposite. A simple rule is: skirts to the knee, emphasizing the waist and a pretty neckline.

6 - Take care of your skin and soften your makeup. Adapta skin care creams aimed at a mature skin and the appearance of first wrinkles. Keep watching out for the excesses of the sun. It is also advisable to soften the paint make it refresh a face in the beginning to the first wrinkles appear merely highlight them. It is time to dare lip color more striking, such a lovely red, but combined with a gentle eye makeup.

7 - Care for your hair. After a time you've probably experienced drastic changes in your hair color, it's time to worry in caring rather than dye it bright colors. First, ensuring their softness and shine. Second, avoid bold colors. It does not mean you have to stop coloring your hair, but try to choose colors more "neutral" with which you can go to work. For example, instead of red, choose a mahogany. Third, choose a good cut. I do not agree that when you're young you can keep long hair but after the 30 have to let the bob. You can keep your long hair. But I do think that maybe you favor long before no longer do it because our face also changes with age. A haircut can afford to clean your hair but also give your face a more adult.

7 - Expand your range of colors and take on new things. already spent the time when you were worried, "Apparently not enough Gothic." You feel more secure about yourself and your appearance, and you know that we are not talking about a closed rule aesthetics. So do not be afraid to try new colors or new ways of combining your clothes.

interesting Blogs on this: as I said before, I have found articles in English on this topic, but there are a couple of very interesting blogs that address this same issue on several occasions, both in English. The first focuses on tips, the second you can find great pictures with looks very interesting.
- http://gothic-charm-school.com/ - http://www.sophistiquenoir.com/
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