These are the discs I have heard over the past couple of weeks, as always a bit of everything.
-Michael Haydn, Flute Concertos Simfonía en F y Sinfonía nº22. He aquí unas preciosas piezas de música clásica. Son de corte bucólico y alegre, con una preeminencia de la flauta sobre el resto de la orquesta, pero que forman un precioso conjunto.

-Tchaikovsky, Overture Solonelle 1812 y Marcha Eslava op. 31. Una composición grandiosa y contundente con ese final apoteósico acompañado del sonido de los cañones, además de la poderosa marcha eslava.

-Alexander Borodin, En las estepas de Rusia Central y Danzas polovtsianas: beautiful two-piece choir accompanied by Russian and seem typical of a fairy tale.

-Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's Overture to "The Great Russian Easter" op. 36, Capriccio espagnol op. 34. At this time more than a fairy tale this is a story of adventure with Abimo dark and sad, anxious, sensitive landscape corridors.

-KISS, Animalize, 1984: a great hard rock album to enjoy at any time, especially for that great " Heaven on fire."

-The Cure, Greatest Hits: a great compilation that I recommend for those wanting to know more about this classic group of Gothic Rock but do not know why hard start.

-Dio, Holy Diver, 1983: one of my favorite albums with classics like Dio's "Holy Diver ", "Do not talk to strangers " or "Rainbow in the Dark. "

-The Cult, Love, 1985: The Cult is a band that I love for that dark rock with Gothic overtones and psychedelic at the same time. Is a band that has different times. This is a great album with great songs like "She Sells Sanctuary ", "Rain " or " Brother Wolf, Sister Moon ."

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