I like to choose accessories not only for their aesthetic value, including its meaning, and today I wanted to talk about quartz. It is a stone that is beautiful to the Gothic by the contrast between crystal and black, and also has an interesting legend.

Quartz symbolizes the celestial element in initiations. It refers to the sacred water and powerful in the magic rituals. Its transparency is one of the finest examples of union of opposites: the crystal, even if material, can see through him, as if it were immaterial. Is the intermediary between the visible and invisible. It is the symbol of divination, wisdom and mysterious powers given to man.

From an aesthetic standpoint, quartz adds a distinctive element to look black. The way in which this stone stands out and shines on the black clothing is fantastic. You can choose from several colors, although the most common are the white / clear, pink and purple.

A quartz pendant can reach very different prices, from 6 to 25 €, all depending on the mount, whether it is silver, and if you have any detail. You can choose between models carved in the form of pendulum as well as models that maintain a polished stone.
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