Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holly Willaby A Birthday Cake

Yesterday Atento so explosive fired a 11822 service partner, affiliated to the CGT . After more than ten years with the company, when called into the office does not expect or the bonus or a share of lottery, but his wrongful dismissal. Atento As is customary, from time to time, gets rid of partners without cause, with impunity and total disregard for the workers. That is what happened yesterday with our partner and with ten other colleagues in Valencia 11822.
While the company is still trying to sell the image of being a great place to work, to dinner, prizes, contests and shift jerifalte visits to tell how much the platform has to Atento Coruña-the reality is that every day we are less.
Any dismissal is unfair, but no dismissal most aberrant and provocative than the employer's whim: he plays not know where or when or to whom. It just depends on the perversion of their employer, when you are concerned, takes a ball of hype that serves to remind us of who is master.
Only solidarity, mutual support and direct action to get workers to stop corporate assaults. Tomorrow, Wednesday, at 14 hours, we will have a concentration Atento before, protesting colleagues dismissed and the defense of our jobs.




Thursday, November 25, 2010

Does Bonjela Help Ease Abscess Pain

Atento Atento dismissed by the Convention applies on medical leave

After stealing more than ten years the share of the extra payments on medical leave, and after two years of constant complaints by the CGT, Atento has been forced to acknowledge his "mistake" and From January 1 the company will start implementing the agreement in terms of salary supplements to perceive in that situation. On November 2 in Madrid has signed an agreement that says:

"That until December 31, 2010 shall continue to apply the Agreement on June 22, 1999, will have no effect from this date. From January 1, 2011, governed by Article 66 of Convention IV Collective Contact Center. "

As you know, until now there had been implementing a 99 year agreement signed by the company and CCOO, which allowances were calculated on the monthly salary and not on the year (which includes 14 payments) as set out in agreement that is, we left to collect the extra pay in proportion to the duration of the low. With the cancellation of the agreement we went to collect the percentages The agreement provides in Article 66 for the case of sick leave common
• From 1 to day 3 low, 70% of the salary agreement (annually), with the top of 9 days year.
• From 4 th to 20 th day, 75% of the wage agreement.
• From 21 th day onwards, 100% of the wage agreement, capped a year.

We encourage all employees who have been off to claim the amounts that the company owes you, and we remind you that according to the General Safety Law Social amounts can be claimed for the last five years. Health

Monday, November 15, 2010

Super Sniper 10x42 Or Bushnell Elite

Demonstration November 11

On 11 November more than 200 telemarketing workers took to the streets in defense of an agreement worth. The CGT decided to call the strike of 24 hours with the strong conviction that workers must be the only actors; We realize that this strike is the first step to achieve a fair agreement. Hope that it will raise awareness and that the next time we all who go out into the street shouting loudly that we are not good . Here you can see a video on the news of the demonstration called by the CGT of A Coruña. willing to act against each employer abuse and achieve better working conditions in the telemarketing.

TVG Video demonstration

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hyderabadgaycruising Areas

us plenty of reasons: November 11, STRIKE

absence of a few days to the strike call 24 hours on Thursday, November 11, from the CGT are convinced us plenty of reasons to go out.

more than 10 months of negotiations and there has been no progress. As you know, the employer's proposals represent a major setback in our working conditions.

Our salaries are miserable and most of us are also partial days, therefore, lower wages. We depend on objectives, often impossible with those trying to exploit even more, to charge a "eurillos" of incentives that make ends meet.

Our current agreement, Article 17, allows companies to fire with impunity, with 8 days per year worked, hundreds of workers claiming false drops calls or campaign purposes, when what is really behind offshoring due to purely economic interests. From CGT believe this article should be eliminated in the new agreement, that no layoffs occur again and abusive as have occurred recently in several companies.

These are a few reasons, but we are plenty of reasons to go on strike and prevent the signing of a new convention that condemns us to a miserable working conditions: We want to take PVDS, breaks, absence, IT accessories ...; introduce you express, let us recover hours, change the time at will ...


The strike call is legal and affects all companies in Spain.

The company can not ask whether we do or not to strike, you have no warning.

If you ask, do not have to answer calls for a union representative.




Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Do Women Like Digital Playground

On Thursday, 11 stop, and you? The stakes are considerable

This is the image we companies sell, such as Atento, engaged in telemarketing. Many customers who call or who call think they work for Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, BBVA, Natural Gas, ING, etc ... but really, what is behind this picture?

  • Subcontracting.
  • miserable salaries. Layoffs
  • indiscriminate. Control
  • all of our work.
  • Stress. Promotions
  • "a finger", lack of transparency.
  • In short: OPERATING
This is not just a job to get by while studying or to take for our expenses while we did not find anything better, is the main source of income for many families and can not tolerate that, doing the same job, win three times less than workers employed by any of those parent companies, while Atento, like the rest, increase their profits year after year at the expense of our effort.
"You're going to continue to" swallow "or going to do something to change it?, Do not you think you deserve better pay, better working conditions?, Do you think sitting with helmets positions, you will get something better?

E No CGT it is clear: we must say workers BASTA YA!
is time that we all act
On Thursday November 11 your voice heard: Come to the demonstration Eurocan leave at seven o'clock.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Swim With Wild Dolphins In Cuba

The management of telemarketing has once again demonstrated their lack of respect and no interest in negotiating their the new agreement . At the last meeting on October 15 to sit just have stated that the notice of strikes and strike CGT on the table did not think to negotiate anything. NEW GO!, We getting together over 10 months and have not negotiated anything, and that there was no strike call across the table. This arrogant attitude on the part of employers is not new , meeting after meeting, we have been dizzy with trifles and excuses that are not known until the ruling of the IPC, if we stopped two months now because it is summer, if you see what it says labor reform ... The fact is that at this point do not even know in detail what its proposed agreement since have changed several times according to their interest after various court rulings against or approval of the labor reform.

this situation is so obvious mockery of all workers to CCOO-UGT acknowledged that the reasons for the CGT strike had been called there and they were just . hope that they are consistent with this view and show support and participate in work stoppages and strikes .

This call for strike seeks to once and for all face a serious and responsible negotiating the text of the next convention , which guarantee not only our rights granted over the years but substantial improvements to dignify our working conditions.

We know there are many excuses not to strike, each has his own, but there are many more reasons why we all need second strikes. This is an opportunity to position itself clearly against the abuses that we have years of suffering, to tell the employer loud and clear that we are not merchandise that can be manipulated at will, to require some of the profits we generate with our work, not to be intimidated by their threats.

The CGT are aware of what is at stake with this call. We firmly believe that is the time to take a pulse and measure ourselves against the bosses . Entrepreneurs know it too and the proof is that they do not want to meet again until 12 November, a day after our call for 24-hour strike.

00-01 h, 12-13 h and 18-19 h

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Smart Casual For A Wedding

STRIKE! Address

We have run out of patience with the negotiations on the agreement NO. The CGT has called stoppages in all telemarketing companies, one hour per shift on 21 October and a 24-hour strike on 11 November.
While employers continue wielding the so famous crisis as an excuse to negotiate down the agreement, a year ago in November 2009, two months before the start of the talks, hanging on its website the following article:
"THE CONTACT CENTER INDUSTRY GROWS BY 9 % and achieved a turnover of EUR 1,580 million
• In 2008, 266 English companies managed contact center platforms, of which 39 were outside the national territory
• Employment generated by companies in the sector reached 81,793 workers, representing a growth of 5.3%.
• The Contact Center industry maintains its growth despite the deterioration experienced by the English economy and in 2008 achieved a turnover of 1,580 million euros, representing a 9.7% increase over the previous year "
So where is the crisis? Have increased turnover and profits. For all workers have actively contributed, and we demand recognition of our work with a general improvement in our working conditions.
Companies such as Atento, Gss, Konecta, Teleperformance and TeleTech, who won in 2009 MORE THAN 200 MILLION EUROS, have the nose of using the excuse of the crisis to move to reduce rights and benefits. Meanwhile, workers continue to generate wealth in return for them poverty wages and job insecurity we all know and suffer.
And now, how no, they want more. Now they want to live practically in the workplace for the same salary, with loss of acquired rights (that you worked hard to get) and two hard saying goodbye.
On October 15 there will be another meeting of the negotiating table. As is the situation we do not expect progress, because we have the experience of past negotiations and because time is running out for employers. For the CGT's time to press for get a real negotiation. No other way to know what is in the mobilization and the Huelgas. Y no get anything without the active participation of all Trabajadores.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Open Knee Cap Vs Closed


Well here I leave something of Greek mythology! I hope you like it!

In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of the architect Daedalus, builder of the labyrinth of Crete, and a slave. He was imprisoned with him in a tower on Crete by the island king, Minos.

Daedalus escaped from prison, but could not leave the island by sea, as the king kept a close watch on all the vessels, and not allow any browser without being carefully searched. Since Minos, the king controlled the land and sea, Daedalus set to work to fabricate wings for himself and his young son Icarus. Feathers bonded together starting with the smallest and adding increasingly longer, to form a larger area. He said the largest wire and smaller with wax, and gave the whole a gentle curvature like the wings of a bird. Icarus, his son, watching his father and sometimes ran feathers collected from the ground that the wind had blown, and taking the wax with your fingers work, hindering their games the work of his father. When he finally finished the job, Daedalus flapped his wings and found himself up and suspended in the air. Then equipped his son in the same way, and taught him how to fly. When both were ready for flight, Daedalus warned Icarus that flew too high because the sun's heat would melt the wax, nor too low because the sea foam would wet the wings and could not fly. Then father and son flew away.

passed Sama, Delos and Lebintos, and then the boy began to ascend as if to get to paradise. The blazing sun softened the wax which held the feathers together and they were removed. Icarus flapped his arms, but were not enough pens to hold it in the air and fell into the sea. His father cried and bitterly lamenting his arts, called the land near the site of the sea into which Icarus had fallen Icaria in memory. Daedalus arrived safely in Sicily under the care of King Cocalus, where he built a temple to Apollo in which he hung his wings as an offering to God.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can An International Student Lease A Car

da CGT peche da Coruña as do 29-S expression

Today, September 29, convened by all the class unions, workers are on strike, a general unemployment in order to achieve the measures antiobreiras overthrow the government. This invitation is not the arrogance of unitary CCOO-UGT, which caused the CGT make a call they coincide with the date for a mobilization to us late and insufficient, but no less necessary.
We know that tomorrow both the government and the unions run the institutional escenificar their reunion, already announced for later contacts, and discard what is not even trying to make up a wild Labor Reform recently approved. However, we can not expect any change really important these lackeys of capitalism, faithful servants of this obscene economic and social system. A as a percentage here or less there will not make sternohyoid, not one inch, plus about a more just or equitable than the current.
The assaults did not do more to get.
we are seeing now a lot of layoffs and Regulatory Expedients Employment as never seen. To this must be added the threat that has been declared on the pension system and pension amounts, freezing, hardening requirements and delaying the retirement age, and the Social Security system, about what is true threats such as the Copag medium-term . The obedient servants of the International Monetary Fund has not lost the fear, but the shame and are launching the open grave to prey any labor law which you put your hand. We must be aware that these are all money and can turn into profit in the pockets of capitalists and their stooges to what we neglect. This
Labor Reform showed the two fronts in the workers' struggle. On the one hand, we face directly with the capital, which occurs in companies, but on the other hand, one second ahead púxonos front, which is the nature of political and economic system in which some dominate more than in the parliamentary party and are no longer that the powerful tools with the function of legitimizing the oppression and exploitation by a few more. So we have also enfrentarnos this system outside the enterprise, these reclamandolles who call themselves statesmen our right to participate fully in the wealth we create and forcing the parliament, courts and other servants of the patula admit the just claims of our classroom.
can not stop the fight now, when entrepreneurs are more grown. Workers conscio have to convert the next few months at a mobilization combative demonstrating the powerful that they will not have easy roubarnos what is ours in an uprising continuing to demonstrate that unionism must be something else and it is possible to organize and fight without dragging the dignity through the mud.
Comrades, today more than ever,


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Coolest Lab Projects

Cradle Of Filth-The Death Of Love in Spanish

Banda is a great song is about Joan of Arc and treason that cost him the life of your beloved But God?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Basking Shark Cuddly Toy

Unison: 34 Traballo dismissed

last Monday, the 13th, the telemarketing firm unison informed the Committee the termination of 34 workers in Vigo by Article 17 of the Convention Collective: by reducing the volume of calls to the contractor (Help Desk Vodafone and Iberdrola).

The company justified the dismissals by lowering the volume of calls by 40 percent for each year: data unreliable because they can download the calls or the misuse of workload to other call centers in other populations. The descent of calls occurred during the summer months when the workload is less.

The severance pay is 8 days per year worked under the current Collective Agreement to be contracts for work and service (most of them have a seniority de 1 ano).

A cousa xa comenzou fai unhas semanas cun porcentaxe alto de sancións e amonestacións da empresa a traballadores por ter unha baixada de rendimento da calidade das chamadas cando a empresa non comunicou ó Comité de Empresa e ós traballadores o baremo dos criterios de calidade nin sequera aporta probas para xustificar as amonestacións e sancións impostas.

A empresa parece ser que en vez de fumigar o centro de arriba de pulgas (moitos traballadores deste centro teñen xa picaduras destes chinches) o que máis  lles preocupa é fumigar ós traballadores.

A rescisión dos contratos se fará efectiva o vindeiro día 28 de setembro ( día anterior the General Strike) one more reason to make his fellow strike that day.

Section Trade Union CGT unison Vigo made a proposal to the Company to concentrations in the doors of their establishments. The IGC will not do anything now that will do nothing to check for irregularities and CCOO and UGT not gave us.

of Unison workers still do not receive wage arrears, provided that two months ago SAEU the Supreme Court's ruling giving the reason for the CGT on the rise in the CPI and today the company still does not recognize other sentence T. Supreme deben and a rest of five minutes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Do Listerine Pocketpaks Contain

The Satanic Bible

Called by many of his followers the 'Black Pope', Anton Szandor LaVey began the road to the high priesthood of the Church of Satan when he was just 16 years and played the organ at a fair: "On Saturday night, I saw men looking lustfully at the girls dancing half nude in the carnival and on Sunday morning, when he played the organ in the tent of the evangelists at the other end of the fairground, he saw these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children asking God to forgive and free them of carnal desires. However, following Saturday night, returning to the show or some other place of convenience. I knew then that the Christian Church was founded in hypocrisy and that the carnal nature of man is inevitable! "

From that early experience in his life, the road was to follow was clear. Finally, the last night of April 1966, the night of Walpurgis the most important festival of the believers in witchcraft, LaVey shaved his head in the tradition of ancient executioners and announced the founding of the Church of Satan. He understood that there was a need for a church to recover the body of the man and his carnal desires as objects of celebration. "Because the carnal worship produces pleasure," he said, "there should be a temple of glorious indulgence ..."

The Satanic Bible contains all the teachings of La Vey. Far from the traditional image offered by the Christian Church Prince of Darkness as a bearer of evil, misery and vice, LaVey claimed figure Satan as a true symbol of freedom, wisdom and kindness. For the author, Satan was the purest embodiment of enlightenment and knowledge, and it shows in this iconic work.

The Church of Satan is recognized as a legitimate religion in America.

PSDT: THIS is a brief introduction and content dle else look for the book!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


telemarketing "SMEs" seriously harms our health

Since last July, the company has forced workers "SMEs" to take calls from mobile clients without having received any training , or the best basic training all too little, or even have access to new applications. Nor are we responsible for any service, or the company, in which direct Coruña our complaints and needs. For you to understand the gravity of the situation, spoke of customers with hundreds of mobile and fixed line that requires consultation and urgent actions (restorations of lines, blocks, steals terminals, in exchange for contracts ...) but we meet in Coruña and continually repeated on every call because no one meets their demands. Today, any employee of Atento Coruña (un) would attend these calls as bad as the comrades who are now doing.
We recognize the lack of training we have in all services, but in this case the situation is so serious that is causing frustration among workers in SMEs , resulting in an increase mental fatigue, stress and anxiety attacks .

For this reason, the CGT called the works council to propose an urgent meeting with attentive and another meeting of health and safety committee to demand the cessation of care-mobile calls SMEs while conditions were not suitable training. Although we called for on Monday 16, the company delayed the meeting until today, without justifying the postponement. Viewing no interest in the company, decided to act thus exposing the facts to the Labour Inspectorate and the media.
We realize that we have come this far by the lack of provision for Telefónica and Atento, due to poor management by the disregard for the health of their workers and indifference to the attention of their customers.
Today, after more than two hour meeting, the company has not responded to our demands , it has recognized the need for training but also says it will not be before September. Are your reasons? Vacation. Nor are raised stop (in) attention to SMEs because customer dissatisfaction Telefonica has reached an alarming level. Tomorrow
held regular meeting of council, in which we assess what has happened so far and propose measures to be taken now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cervix High In Luteal Phase Pregnant

Press release of the CGT

Atento, Telefónica mock employees and customers

The CGT want to publicly denounce the work situation untenable for a month are suffering more than 130 workers Atento Coruña, a situation that is causing many disorders of occupational stress and anxiety among staff.
Since last month, these workers have been forced to attend, in addition to the negotiations and consultations landline, calls from customers "SMEs" mobile phone Telefonica Movistar, calls received through the number 900.10.10.10. Workers have not received - in most cases, no specific training to carry out its work, leading in turn to the quality of customer service "SMEs" is harmful and no .

addition to not having training, is shameful that workers not have access to computer applications , an indispensable tool to ensure effective care calls. Coruña received calls just part of a simple text file, waiting for staff from other workplaces manage customer requests (sales, billing, claims, etc.). All this creates a climate frustrating work among staff, in addition to countless customer complaints that call after call, the bad check call powerless we provide.
On 10 August, the CGT decided to convene an emergency committee companies to require that paralyze Atento, Telefónica Coruña care of calls from customers' mobile-SMEs "to which vocational training is given to ensure adequate safety and health of workers and a customer effective and quality . In any case this would mean that the service "mobile" SMEs "is unattended and that they would continue serving (as before) in other workplaces where they do have the training and means to work with correction.
Since Telefónica and Atento not seem to care the least the gravity of the situation (despite asking for an urgent solution satisfactory to workers and customers are delaying and increasing the problem with undue delay), have reported these facts to the Labour Inspectorate and we are awaiting the take necessary corrective measures to prevent this situation continues over time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Negative Bfp After Ovidrel Is It Too Soon To Test

Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter (daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus and goddess of fertility and wheat). His uncle Hades (brother of Zeus and god Hell), he loved her and kidnapped one day.

She was picking flowers in the company of their friends the nymphs and father's sisters, Athena and Artemis, and at the time it'll take a lily, (according to other versions a daffodil), the earth opens and Hades crack and take the lead.
Thus, Persephone became the goddess of the Underworld. Apparently, the abduction was carried out with the help of Zeus accomplice, but in the absence of Demeter, as it began a long and sad journeys in search of his beloved daughter, during which the land became barren.

While Zeus was sorry and ordered Hades to return Persephone, but this was not possible because the girl had eaten a pomegranate seed, while in Hell, is not known whether voluntarily or tempted by Hades. The problem was that a mouthful of any product involved Tartarus be chained to it forever.

To ease the situation, Zeus decreed that Persephone spent part of the year in the confines of Earth, along with Hades, and the other part on earth with her mother, Demeter promise while fulfilling its role germination and return to Olympus.

Proserpina Persephone is known as the Latins.

Legend has it that the origin of Spring lies precisely in this rapture, as when Persephone is taken to Hell, the flowers were grieved and died, but when he returns, the flowers bloom again for the joy that will cause the return of the young. Since the presence of Persephone in the land becomes cyclical, and the birth of flowers does too.

Moreover, during the time that Persephone is kept away from her mother, Demeter and confined to Tartarus, or the underworld, as the wife of Hades, the land becomes barren and sad comes the winter season.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Simple Opening Prayers


Since June 16 was approved labor reform, corporate sector employers (ACCE) want to use it to further increase their obscene profits at the expense of further exploiting us and cutting our rights. Even before the adoption paralyzed agreement negotiations, arguing that while its content was not known were not going to continue with meetings and now threaten to change its convention platform for implementing the new reform . Therefore

from the CGT have proposed to the other unions who attend the negotiation meetings (CCOO, UGT and CIG) a commitment not to sign anything that lowers our precarious working conditions, either giving up rights acquired in previous agreements or accepting the introduction of some of the measures adopted by the government. Of course, for us it comes to ensuring the conservation of current conditions, we still hard to get a decent will continue asserting our platform agreement, as we have done since negotiations began. Our intention is to make it clear to employers that we will not allow to take out a slice of that crisis, in view of the results that companies are getting, is not affecting this sector. Then
reproduce the letter sent to other unions :
Dear colleagues, I address this letter
along with the other unions that make up the bank office in the Bureau of collective agreement negotiations with the object Contact Center to propose that all unions participating in such negotiations and protest irrespective of differences that exist in our trading platforms collectively and publicly assume the following commitments: First .-
to refer to the text of any collective agreement limitations and cuts the new labor reform aims . It would be very logical addition, the workers call a general strike against a standard on 29 September, to finish shaping it in our own convention months later. Second .-
not modify any of the articles of agreement that the Supreme Court has decided in its interpretation favorable to the interests of workers unless this be achieved improve these conditions.
thank you for your attention and waiting for your reply and send you greetings libertarian.

As for the salary increase of 1% lead by stealing from January 2009 indeed the Supreme Court admitted the appeal of the employer's sector as confirms the decision of the Audiencia Nacional which estimated that the inflation forecast for 2009 was 2%. Atento ... comes to paying.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mouthwash Kate Nash Chords Piano

Persefone skulls

Monday, May 10, 2010

Auction Cars Malaysia

Black Hydra

Upon reaching the swamp near Lake Lerna, Heracles covered his mouth and nose with a cloth to protect its poisonous breath and fired flaming arrows into your shelter (Amimone source) to force him out. He then confronted her with a sickle (in some early vase-paintings), Ruck and Staples have pointed out that the chthonic creature's reaction was botanical: upon cutting off each of their heads, Heracles found that two grew back, an expression of the desperation of the struggle for any but the hero.

The details of the confrontation are explicit in Apollodorus: realizing that he could not defeat the Hydra in this way, Heracles called for help from his nephew Iolaus. He had the idea (possibly inspired by Athena) of using a burning cloth to burn the neck stumps after each beheading. Heracles cut off each head and Iolaus burned the open neck, killing the Hydra. Heracles then took his one immortal head and buried under a large rock on the sacred way between Lerna and Elei, dipped his arrows in the Hydra's poisonous blood, and completing her second job.

In an alternative version, Hera sent a crab to bite the feet of Heracles and it bothered him, hoping thus cause his death. Hera set him on the Zodiac to follow the Lion.

When Eurystheus, the king who assigned the work to Heracles, he knew he was his nephew who had given him the torch, said he had not completed the work alone and therefore did not count for the total of ten tasks that had been assigned. The mythic element is an equivocating attempt to resolve the conflict between an ancient ten Labours and the twelve most recent.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Does Frequency Of Processor Mean


Black Magic has existed since the beginning of our days, each culture needed a few gods they worship. Black magic is the oldest fully united religions. Black magic is hidden, is one of the oldest. Black Magic is the study and use of forces psychic. Uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of black magic to alter the self and the environment according to the will. Black magic is desire to control others. Suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Kabbalists. Black magic is powerful. Never underestimate the enormous power of Magic. Black to alter events and to achieve their goals. Therefore, but with the help of very powerful beings. Black Magic is an art that seeks to achieve supernatural results using materials, rituals and invocations. With the help of supernatural beings, not necessarily evil, for only by their possession or transfer of part of it, things can get critical and important, moorings, disunity, power, etc. In witchcraft and black magic, too often, the tools of magic, black magic spells enchantments or work, traditional witchcraft, magical alphabets, incantations, and spells, black magic truly has great energy, which makes the type of witchcraft, magic, and the intentions of the physician. witchcraft, black magic, incantations, can be cast to affect, to an inanimate object, a force of nature, or another person. Coming as in, look around, and enters in a world of witchcraft of the magic that you have previously only imagined, but remember, all spells and witch spells, incantations, and spells, along with other supernatural witchcraft or sorcery magic all, we all needs and desires, whether it be health, money, love, revenge, fame, more sex or improve it, a nice home, a pleasant and rewarding job, a nice car, being free to travel whenever and wherever we want, for that is the black magic to get through the best and have a good life

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Dream Of Jeannies Lamp


The most powerful of the angels Fallen Angels are, are under the command of Beelzebub, who tempts men with pride, Leviathan, who is the leader of the heretics and leads men to sins that are repugnant to their faith, and Asmodeus, prince of debauchery burning with the desire to tempt men with the sin of lust. Below are the Cherubim, Seraphim, led by Balberoth, which stirred the blood to the murder and blasphemy. Then there are the powers, led by Astaroth, which promotes laziness and idleness, Verine, causing impatience that leads to sin; Grassil, who wants to drown in the filth of humanity, and Sonneillon, which tempts men to hatred against their enemies.
These Dukes of Hell and have hardly any human aspect, appearing instead as a perverse mix of creatures great beasts or dragons, or threatening shadows. It is nearly impossible to reach Earth, and exert their influence through dreams and visions. Satanists come into contact with them for their knowledge and advice, but fear demons look so powerful and so do in the dark.


These lords of Hell are the Dominions, led by oeillet, which tempts people to break their vows, and Rosier, Queen of the Succubi, which opens the way for sinful pleasure and impure love . His work has supported by Verrier, Prince of sovereignty, whispering words of rebellion against authority and encourages people to reject their masters. The last level of this hierarchy is that of the Powers, led by Carreau, which hardens the hearts of men to love and faith, and carnivores, which makes people love obscenity.

the second hierarchy is very active on Earth. Her princes are sometimes able to break their chains and appear in his servants. Often assume human forms of great beauty (especially Rosier, who appears as a beautiful woman or handsome man). These lords of Hell are too proud to become embroiled in battles and other clashes vulgar de poder, y volverán a sus dominios si se les desafia, lanzando grandes maldiciones contra quien haya osado oponérseles.


Las Virtudes están gobernadas por Belias, que lleva a la humanidad a la arrogancia y los placeres mundanos, distrayendo a los mortales de la virtud con modas vulgares y enseñando a los niños a ser libertinos y descreidos. Olivier de los Arcángeles, es el señor de la crueldad, y disfruta abusando de los pobres y débiles. Por último, los Ángeles Infernales, al mando de Iuvart, son meros sirvientes y vasallos de los demás señores del Infierno.


The real army is composed of countless hellish demons. Beings are called to the world by Satanists, and more likely to be interested in the affairs of mankind. Many of them are shown subservient to their masters of Hell, but there are some who seem somewhat independent. According to medieval scholars, there are six types of demons with access to the world. Igneous

DEMONS Demons living in this vast darkness between stars and planets are a very diverse race. Most have little interest in humanity, preferring to pursue their own strange intrigue: it says that the pagan gods roam the empty recalling his days of power, strange demons are based on ideas, mathematical constructs, expression of human reason and emotion.

Satanists have little power over these beings, can only be invoked using True Magic. Astrologers say that a few of these demons stars have shown a growing interest in the study of mathematics and other sciences in universities. DEMONS


These demons fly in swarms by the invisible spirit world, looking for tickets to the material world to entice or attack humans. Conspire with Satan to destroy mankind.

Demons are the most dangerous, as they have been expelled from the spirit world and dwell on earth, among mankind. They are often confused by fairies and werewolves, then tend to change shape and project illusions. The weakest possess the bodies of animals, creating demonic beasts, while the most powerful masquerading as human beings and encourage corruption in secret. If a terrestrial demon dies, she is truly dead, not expelled.

Monday, February 15, 2010

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Hierarchy Description of the Great Spirits

This is precisely the powers, science, arts and talents of the Spirits above named, to whoever wants form a pact can be found in each of the talents of the top six spirits may be required.
Lucífago Rofacale
The first is the great "Lucífago Rofacale" infernal.Tiene Prime Minister the power to "Lucifer" has been on all the riches and all the treasures of the world. A militant orders Bael, Agares and Marbas and many other thousands of demons and spirits subordinates.
The second is the great "Satanachia" great general. It has the power to submit to him all women and all the girls and make them what he wants. Under his orders are Pruslas, Aamon and Barbatis and the legion of spirits.
Captain Agaliarept
general, has the power to discover the secrets hidden in all courts and all the cabinets of the world also discovers the great mysteries. Sends the second legion of spirits and have their orders immediately Buer, and Botis Gusoin.
The fourth, "Fleuretty" lieutenant general, has the power to do the work you want, at night, makes hail also fall where he wants. Send a considerable body of spirits and is subordinate to Bathim, Pursam and abig.
The fifth, "Sargatanas" superior officer, is assigned the power to make you invisible, of transports to all parties, to open all the locks, make you see everything that happens inside the houses and deenseñaros all the tricks and tips of the shepherds. Brigades ordered many spirits and is in his immediate orders to Loray, Valefar and Foran.
The sixth, "Nebiros" Field Marshal and Inspector General, has the power to make you sick to whomever you want, makes finding the hand of glory, shows all the qualities of metals, minerals, plants and animals of all pure and impure. It also has the art of foretelling the future, one of the greatest magicians of all the infernal spirits. Goes everywhere, it is inspector of all hellish militia under his command has Ayperos, Neberus and Glasyabolas.

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The Grand Grimoire

and The Grand Grimoire "Enchiridion Leonis pope." Both are proper ritual and the breviary of the Magi. The first is entitled "Grand Grimoire or art of conjuring the spirits of heaven, air, earth or hell, the real secret to talk to the dead, always win playing the lottery, discovering hidden treasures, etc.."
The word "Grimoire" is, say, the Italian "Rimario", so to say, composing verses. The ancients were convinced that the verses contribute the force of magical operations, and for this they were called "incantatationes", where we have formed the word "charm", because as we said before, they used poetry and song.
The "Grand Grimoire" was taken from various sources and extracted from different authors, including "The sacred magic that God told Abraham to Laneth and translated from the Hebrew year 1458" and after "clavicles of Solomon "(Clavicula Salomonis ad filium Rehoboam).
The issue that is before us (sic) consists of two parts.
The first comprises four chapters preceded by a prelude and followed by an address to the reader, a sort of post-facto. The first two chapters consist of preliminary instructions, through which it acquires the ability to magical operations. The third contains the true composition of the rod or cane mysterious explosive. And the fourth a true representation of the great cabalistic circle. This last chapter alone is more than double than the others, and also contains offering formulas and appeal to the mind, with answers and promises of the Italian spirit. The second part comprises the real "Sanctum Regnum" of the clavicle, or the real way to make pacts with prayers and prayers in French and Latin over particular, and finally the Secrets of the Great Grimoire magic art.

names of the infernal spirits.

Lucifer - Emperor Beelzebub
or Beelzebub - Prince
Astaroth - Gran Duque Reference

Then come the higher spirits who are subordinate to the above-mentioned .

Lucífago - Prime Minister
Satanachia - great general
Agaliarept - General Captain
Fleuretty - Lt. Gen.
Sargatanas - paramount chief
Nebiros - QB

Hierarchy of the infernal spirits.

That "Lucífago" rules over the first three, called Bael, Agares and Marbas.
"Satanachia" on Pruslas, Aamon and Babatis.
"Agaliarept" on Buer, and Botis Gusoin.
"Fleuretty" on Bathim, Purse and abig.
"Satarganas" on Loray, Valefar and Foran.
"Nebiros" on Ayperos, and Glasyabolas Neburus

And while there are still millions of spirits that are all subordinate to these, it is useless to name them, because they are not used except when the spirits above seems to make them work are in place, because they use these inferior spirits as if they were servants or slaves. Thus, by agreement with one of the top six, which can require, do not mind what spirit is to serve you. However, always beseech the spirit with whom pactéis, employing one of three major subordinate to their service. Bael


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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For the Western esoteric tradition, Lucifer is the god of fire, or Bearer of Light or Wisdom, and not the devil or Satan. For the Luciferian and esoteric traditions, Lucifer is divine figure par excellence, the true spiritual god of light, as opposed to material or god Demiurge, creator of the physical universe (the doctrine followed by Manichean and Gnostic Cathars old). For many Lucifer Luciferian figure is the same as that represented different pagan Norse gods Odin, the Egyptian Thoth, the Greek Prometheus, Celtic and Etruscan Cernunus Lupercus, etc. Different traditions Western esoteric are Luciferian Theosophy eg, the official magazine of the Theosophical Society bore the name Lucifer, Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Sohnschaft der Schwarzen Sonne (Black Sun Serrana Brotherhood), all the former refuse to be satanic organizations and ensure that the luciferase and Satanism are not the same thing.
All those qualities combined metaphysical and occult knowledge Luciferian knowledge, believe deeply in the middle "of evil can come light." And it can also be fully agreed, is that Lucifer is to be the bearer of Light, that is, the logos, but also comes to be the archetype of the ultimate rebel, separatist and autonomist first universal, for the sake of freedom.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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The god has several stages, first as a deity Olmec, Toltec, Mayan Kukulcan and later in the group Aztec gods. It is clear as the Toltec culture took the form of the god of Teotihuacan religious tradition where there is a pyramid dedicated to the feathered serpent II century AD. This God has yet more ancient historical roots. Recent studies show that this character is related to Olmec Mythology and his vision of the feathered serpent. The art and iconography of the Olmec clearly demonstrate the importance of the Feathered Serpent deity in the chronology of Mesoamerica, and in Olmec art. In the caves of Juxtlahuaca is a representation of an Olmec-style feathered serpent. Even, in faraway places like the Laguna de Asososca, in Managua, Nicaragua paintings are representative of the Feathered Serpent.
Quetzalcoatl's name has two words of Nahuatl origin: quetzal, a bird of beautiful plumage inhabiting the Central American jungle, and coatl that means "snake." Another version
scientific whereby it is possible that this God has roots Chichimecas. Cultural influences covered a large part of Mesoamerica, including the Maya, Mixtec. The Mayans as Kukulcan Quetzalcoatl resumed or Gucumatz, but as mentioned before is best known version of the Toltec culture. The Aztecs incorporated this deity on arrival at the Valley of Mexico.
Aztecs Quetzalcoatl related to Venus, which can look like a star near the Popocatepetl volcano for eight months a year, and another three months away, the prophecy indicates that this star and the two solstices where Quetzalcoatl is said that the earth twice a year to bring fertility and harvest, will occur until the second coming of Quetzalcoatl.
one of the representations of this deity is that of a bearded white man, so that during the conquest of New Spain (Mesoamerica) indigenous peoples believed at first that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl.
In order to promote the conversion of the natives, the writers created the myth of Quetzalcoatl was a Christian apostle (St. Thomas).
In recent times neotolteca home religions speak in their traditions and urban legends of the rebirth of this character.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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In Greek mythology, Cerberus (in Greek Κέρβερος Kerberos, 'demon of the pit'), also known as Cerberus was a dog of Hades, a three-headed monster (although it was said to have 50 or 100) with a serpent tail and innumerable snake heads on his back.
Cerberus guarded the gate of Hades (the Greek underworld) and ensured that the dead do not leave and the living could not enter. He was the son of Echidna and Typhon, the brother of Orthrus The existence of a hellhound in the entrance of hell seems that was already present in the original Indo-European mythology, appearing in myths other Indo-European peoples, such as bloody dog \u200b\u200bGarm in Norse mythology.

capture Cerberus Heracles

The last of the twelve labors of Heracles was to capture Cerberus. He traveled first to Eleusis to be initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries and learn well how to live in and out of Hades, and on his way to absolve himself of guilt for having killed their children. Found the entrance to the underworld in Tanaerum. Athena and Hermes helped him to pass the entrance to the outward and return journeys. Thanks to the persistence of Hermes and his own appearance fierce, Charon in his boat took him across the Styx.
While in the underworld, Heracles freed Theseus but the earth shook when he tried to free Pirítoo, so he had to leave behind. Both had been imprisoned by Hades, who was magically attached to a bank when they tried to abduct Persephone. That magic was so strong that when Heracles pulled Theseus to free, part of the thighs were sticking it to the bank, which would explain why his descendants had notably lean thighs.
In some versions, Heracles simply asked Hades for permission to take Cerberus, to which he always agreed Heracles did not harm the dog, but in other versions Heracles shot Hades with an arrow. After that, in some versions Heracles wrestled with the dog and dragged him out of Hades, passing by the cave Aquerusia, but in others treated with kindness Heracles fierce dog for the first time, and he obediently followed him outside

Theories about its origin

The constellation of Pisces was not always associated with two fish, because the original star was a Pisces fish Austrinus. It was also believed that there were two people together (in some stories were turned into fish, which finally evolved to simple fish). Both would be united under the ecliptic, the area was believed to represent the underworld. The ecliptic, the sun's transit, cut the link. One of them is almost out (the west) and the other seems to remain united to the ecliptic and heading downwards (the East). However, part of it still attached.
The Heracles the person who managed to liberate from his trap in the underworld as Theseus tells the knowledge that he myths associated with Queen of the Amazons, and therefore must appear in the following story as a companion of Heracles . This emphasis on continuity is possibly related to the fact that the constellation that represents the next story also appears partly on Pisces.

Under the constellation Cetus Pisces is usually considered a sea monster or whale. However, it is also possible to see it as two closed doors with their poles and a group of three stars after the center of both. Since facing the ecliptic and are very close to it, the doors would be the underworld, which would be under the ecliptic. The guardian of the gates of Hades was traditionally Cerberus, which had three heads, a partnership that requires the use of the three principal (though comparatively weak) stars in the constellation Fornax modern way of tail.
Since Cerberus was considered a permanent part of Hades, little could happen would do him harm. There being no other constellation in this region, little story could be given apart from making something permanent, such as move you on the other side of the doors.
Alternatively, an earlier version could not have included the story of Theseus imprisoned, what might have been a later reworking of the role of the constellations in history. In this case, the branch of Pisces does not escape the ecliptic could have been intended to represent the consequent rise of Cerberus (but still tied, and thus taking you back to final).

Friday, January 29, 2010

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Pandora .. Lamia

One of the issues that have plagued the interest of men throughout history is the creation of the world. The ancient Greeks had their own way of telling the story, which was as follows:
that were created before the earth, sea and sky, everything looked the same, which they called Chaos, a confused and shapeless mass , a dead weight which, however, were the seeds of things. Like Earth, Air and Water were mixed, the ground was not solid, the sea was not transparent fluid or air.
God and Nature put an end to the disorder, separating land from sea and both sky two. Then, God and Nature have managed to better the Earth and distributed rivers, mountains and bays, drew the valleys, forests and plains. The air became clear and the stars were appearing. The fish took possession of the sea, the birds of the air and four-footed beasts of the land appropriated.
But it was needed most noble animal, and then became Man. Prometheus took some earth, where it is still mixed with a bit of heaven, and wetting it with a little water, mud molded into the man, making the image of the gods, erect, so unlike other animals, man rises to the heavens and observe the stars.
Prometheus was one of the Titans, a race of giants that inhabited the earth before the creation of man. He and his brother Epimetheus was entrusted the task of making man, and provide you, as the other animals, all the powers necessary for its preservation. Epimetheus and Prometheus was the worker supervised the work. Thus they were giving different animals of courage, strength, quickness, sagacity, claws and wings for one another, etc ... But when it came time to give her gifts to man, it had to be superior to all other animals, Epimetheus had been so generous with his resources he had no gifts. Prometheus
then, to address the situation, ascended into heaven and, with the help of Athena, lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and gave fire to men. This gift made man more than all the animals. The fire allowed man to make weapons to beat the animals and tools to cultivate the land, could heat your home for independence from the weather, and finally introduced the arts and the currency, which means trade and commerce.
The woman had not yet been created. Legend has it that Zeus made woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother to punish them for stealing the fire ... and also to punish man for accepting the gift.
The first woman was Pandora. It was made in heaven all gods contributed something to improve it. Aphrodite gave her beauty, Hermes persuasion, Apollo music, etc. ... Thus equipped, Pandora was brought to Earth and presented to Epimetheus who accepted it happily, despite the fears of his brother, who did not trust Zeus and his gifts.
Epimetheus had in his house a room where he kept some items that had reached deals from Earth. Including a trunk. Gradually grew in Pandora a great curiosity about the contents of this box, and finally, one day broke the seal and opened the lid to look inside. But at the same time he escaped a multitude of plagues to torment the men, such as gout, el reumatismo y los cólicos para el cuerpo, y la envidia, la ira y la venganza para el alma, y estos males se repartieron por todas partes.
Pandora se apresuró en cerrar la caja, pero ya era tarde, todo el contenido de la caja había escapado, exceptuando una sola cosa que yacía confundida al fondo, esa era la esperanza. Desde entonces, aunque los males nos acechen, la esperanza nunca nos deja por entero. Y mientras tengamos un poco de esperanza, ningún mal puede derrotarnos completamente.
Otra versión de esta misma historia cuenta que Pandora fue enviada por Zeus al hombre como un signo de bendición. Como regalo de matrimonio, ella fue dotada por todos los dioses con bienes que guardaron en una caja. Pandora abrió accidentally box and all the blessings escaped, but hope.
According to several commentators, this is the correct version for how could a virtue as subtle as the hope to be saved with all sorts of evils? Keep counting
Greek legend from when the Earth was populated, have happened ages. The first was an era of innocence and happiness, called the Golden Age of Truth and always stayed right in place, although they were not bound by any written law or magistrates had to enforce, or punishment for violators.
At that time the forests were felled to build ships, nor to build fortifications around cities. There were swords, spears and helmets. The earth gave enough to the survival of mankind, without the need to work planting or harvesting. At that age, Greeks said, there was an eternal spring, and the rivers flowed with milk, wine and distilled honey yellow maples.
This was happy it happened to men, the Silver Age, inferior to that of gold, but higher than the Bronze, which will come later. At the beginning of the Silver Age, Zeus shortened the spring and divided the year into seasons. Hardened the extremes of cold and heat, and it was necessary to build houses. It was also necessary from time to sow the seeds for ensure adequate germination. And he began drafting the first laws were born the first officers to monitor compliance.
The Bronze Age was more wild, laws and codes become men are willing to see another attack just weaker.
But it was harder, the worst is the Iron Age. Greeks say that at that time, the crime was enthroned in human society, modesty, truth and honor will not be considered rather than empty words, their place as human values \u200b\u200bwill be replaced by fraud, deception , sickening violence and desire for profit. The sailors will sail all the seas and trees will be torn from the mountains. The Earth, which until now had been cultivated in common, began to be divided into individual holdings and men, dissatisfied with the production of the surface, they begin to pierce to extract the wealth of its interior. Then came the tricky iron and gold, even more dangerous. Using both metals as weapons, the war will spread everywhere. The visitor will not be safe in the house of a friend; children and parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives mistrust of each other, the children want their parents die, to inherit; disappear family love and the Earth will be covered false laughter and the gods will be leaving one by one. The last to leave the Earth will Astrea, innocence and purity, daughter of Themis, justice.
Seeing this state of things, Zeus will burn with anger and convene a conference of gods. All obey the call and made way to the palace of heaven. The road, one can see clearly at night, in the center of heaven, the Milky Way. Along the way are, according to the ancient Greeks, the palaces of the illustrious gods, flows from heaven beings living on both sides instead of the Way
Once assembled the gods, Zeus is aimed at describing assembly the appalling state of the Earth and ends announcing its decision to destroy all its inhabitants to create a new race, other than the above, it is to live happier and thus better praise the greatness of the gods.
hardly finished speaking, Zeus takes one of its rays and when he went to throw it against the Earth by fire to destroy its inhabitants, when he realized that such a conflagration could endanger the very heavens and changed tactics .
He tied the north wind and let the chains that imprisoned the south wind. Soon a black blanket of clouds covered the earth dropping torrents of rain. Large-scale plants were laid and the work of farmers was destroyed in less than an hour.
still not satisfied, Called his brother Zeus, Poseidon, the god of earthly water. This mother took to the rivers that flooded the earth at the same time ordering an earthquake that brought down the flow of the sea upon the shore. Castles, humans, animals and houses were swept away by raging waters. Any large building intact
was assaulted by waves and towers were soon submerged.
texts and classical traditions dwell on the description of this destruction until finally it was not water on the surface of the Earth, only Parmaso, elevated above all the mountains rising above the waters. They sought refuge
the only survivors. Deucalion and his wife, Pyrra, both on the race of Prometheus. He was a righteous man and a woman Pyrra great faith in the gods. Just
Zeus saw that everything was devastated and there were only these survivors, let the north wind to the clouds cleared and separated the heavens from the earth. Poseidon Triton ordered to blow his horn. The waters obeyed, and gradually regained their normal course, appeared again the beaches and rivers returned to their beds.
Then Deucalion spoke thus to his wife: "Wife, only surviving woman, joined us before marriage and parenting. Now we are united by a common danger. Perhaps we have fallen on the power of our ancestor Prometheus, and we will renew the human race as he did the first time. But we are not certain, go to the temple and ask the gods what we do. "
entered the temple, deformed by the disaster and approached the altar where the fire burned no longer sacred. It fell down and begged for a divine inspiration that allowed them to resolve the situation they were miserable. The oracle replied: "Give up the temple with head veiled, loose garments and go back throwing the bones of your mother."
listened in awe. Pyrra finally said: " We can not obey, how are we to desecrate the remains of our parents? "Both
then fell into a deep meditation. Until Deucalion said: "O my mind deceive me or is there only one way to fulfill this mandate without falling into wickedness. The earth is the great mother of everything and the stones are her bones. These are the bones that we can throw behind us without being wicked ... I think that is what is meant by the oracle, and finally, we will not hurt trying. "
So veiled their heads broke the garments, and charged numerous stones were thrown on their backs as they walked.
And then came the miracle: the stones grew, becoming more soft and acquiring human forms, like pieces of rock in the hands of the sculptor. Las piedras que arrojaba Deucalión se convertían en hombres y las de Pyrra en mujeres. Y así los dioses, eso decían los griegos, repoblaron la Tierra con una raza más acostumbrada al trabajo.

Este viejo mito ha de sobrevivir hasta nuestros días no sólo en las creencias y las frases populares, sino que ha sido recreado por numerosos poetas y escritores.
Así, la comparación entre Eva y Pandora es obvia y no se le escapó a John Milton, el gran poeta inglés, que la introdujo en el Libro IV de su Paraíso Perdido. A su vez, Prometeo ha sido un personaje abundantemente recogido por los escritores. Como arquetipo, Prometeo representa un poder amable, amigo de la humanity, civilization and master of arts. Clear that doing so violates the will of the gods and finally becomes entitled to the punishment of Zeus.
The king of the gods was chained to Mount Caucasus where an eagle pecked ate the liver that was growing as fast as devoured. This torment, according to legend, could end at any moment because Prometheus knew a secret that affected the stability of the throne of Zeus. Prometheus refused to reveal the secret, thus becoming the symbol of the will to resist oppression and martyrdom magnanimous to undeserved suffering.
Byron and Shelley also took this theme and recently in early twentieth century, Franz Wedekind, reactivates the issue with a play: Der Bucht von Pandora, who later would become "Lulu", the famous opera by Alban Berg.